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From Bravo Fleet
(Adding mention of the Reach)
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*Safeguard Federation interests near the Talarian Empire borders.
*Safeguard Federation interests near the Talarian Empire borders.
*Rebuild and support Federation interests and defenses in the border worlds.
*Rebuild and support Federation interests and defenses in the border worlds.
*Explore the [[Reach]] through scientific surveys and diplomatic agreements.
*Explore the [[The Reach|Reach]] through scientific surveys and diplomatic agreements.

= Current State of Affairs =
= Current State of Affairs =

Revision as of 12:55, 22 October 2020


  • Covertly monitor the instability in the Cardassian Union.
  • Patrol and monitor the Tholian Assembly border.
  • Safeguard Federation interests near the Talarian Empire borders.
  • Rebuild and support Federation interests and defenses in the border worlds.
  • Explore the Reach through scientific surveys and diplomatic agreements.

Current State of Affairs

Cardassian Union

Main Article: Cardassian Union

In early 2399 the Federation became aware of a deep schism in the Cardassian Union. The Detapa Council, which for years had been involved in a power struggle with the Central Command for control of the Union, has been rumored to have restarted the Obsidian Order in an attempt to wrest some level of control over military affairs. By raiding old shipyards for decommissioned Keldon and Galor vessel, as well as having infiltrated and taken control of several military installations in and around Cardassia Prime, the Obsidian Order has the military power to enforce the Council's will. The Central Command has taken measures to oppose this consolidation of power and the Union is on the verge of a civil war. Precious little is known about what led the Union to this point but one things is clear: armed conflict is on the horizon, and such fighting will not stay inside of the Cardassian Union's borders for very long.

As a result of this strife, Starfleet Command has ordered the 4th Fleet to re-fortify and bring Task Force 72 back up to full operational status. Their goal in the Cardassian theatre is singular: determine the full scope of the situation in the Cardassian Union and lend covert support to whichever side is less of a threat to the Federation.

Tholian Assembly

Main Article: Tholian Assembly

Precious little is known about the current state of the Tholian Assembly. With the current situation in the Cardassian Union, Rear Admiral Basmanoff has directed resources away from the border with the Assembly and there Task Force maintains minimal patrols to ensure that the Tholian's don't try and take advantage of the situation with the Cardassians.

Sheliak Corporate

Main Article: Sheliak Corporate

Mirroring the situation with Tholian Assembly, not much is known on the current state of the Sheliak Corporate. After the USS Enterprise-D dealt with a diplomatic incident involving the Corporate in 2366 there has only been one other run in with the Corporate. The USS Hestia came across a Corporate ship suffering mechanical issues right outside their territory but was not allowed to offer aid and was asked to leave the area.

It is believed that, for right now, the Corporate is content to abide by the Treaty of Armens.

Talarian Empire

Main Article: Talarian Empire

The Talarian Empire has a long history of territorial disputes with all of its galactic neighbors, making them a government that not just the Federation keeps a watchful eye on. Their thirst for expansion in all directions makes them difficult to deal with diplomatically, leading to a vast majority of encounters with this culture combative in nature.

Children of Tama

Main Article: Children of Tama

The Children of Tama are a peaceful species that inhabits territory in the southern part of Task Force 72's area of operation. Their use of metaphor as a method of communication was a major impediment to early contact with the Tamarians, but through the efforts of the Enterprise-D crew and subsequent diplomatic envoys to the region, a basic level of understanding has been reached, and peaceful coexistence has been established with them. The is rumor that the Federation is intent on extending an offer of protectorate status to the Children of Tama, but this rumor has yet to be substantiated by official declaration from Federation sources.

Theater of Operations


Points of Interest

Main Article: Alpha Quadrant Homeworlds and Notable Locations

Task Force Assets and Headquarters

Starbase 72 (Minos Korva)

Main Article: Starbase 72
See Also: Minos Korva

Minos Korva, home to Starbase 72, was a system targeted by both the Cardassian and Dominion Wars. It never fell to either power, and is the present headquarters for Task Force 72. Home to Rear Admiral Basmanoff, it is one of the most important Starbases in the southern Alpha Quadrant, outside of Deep Space Nine.

Task Force History

Main Article: Task Force 72 Timeline

Task Force 72 is one of the oldest Task Forces in the 4th Fleet, notable for never being disband in the turbulent decades since its inception.

It has been a more than a decade since the signing of the Treaty of Bajor ending the Dominion War and the cessation of hostilities between the Federation Alliance and the Dominion. Since the end of the war, Task force 72's mission has changed in size and scope many time. Though the mid 2380's until early 2399 Task Force 72 has encompassed most of the Alpha Quadrant but was stretched thin as Starfleet pulled away resources in the wake of the attack on Mars.

With Breen aggression on the rise, the strife in the Cardassian Union and Starfleet's desire to expand operations once again the decision was made to bring Task Force 72 up to full operation status and the reigns of the Task Force were handed to Rear Admiral Elisabeth Basmanoff. The Task Force's focus and AoO was narrowed down to the southern Alpha Quadrant while the newly re-formed Task Force 9 took charge of the northern Alpha Quadrant.

Additional Information

Key Articles, Treaties and Background Information:

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