
From Bravo Fleet
This article is official Bravo Fleet canon.

Federation Faction

Bajor is the homeworld of the Bajoran species, located in the Bajoran system, which itself is located in the Bajor sector of the Alpha Quadrant. Bajor is the eleventh planet in its star system.

Between 2328 and 2369, as well between 2374 and 2375, Bajor was occupied by the Cardassian Union. As of 2377, Bajor became a member world of the United Federation of Planets.


Bajor is a Class M planet which is also the largest planet in the Bajoran system. It is located near to The Badlands and also the Demilitarised Zone, with notable planets nearby including Cardassia Prime and Ferenginar. The surface of Bajor is varied between mixed terrain land masses and oceans. There are a large number of settlements of varying sizes, with two capital cities, Dahkur and Sahving.

Bajor has five moons, although only two of these, Derna and Jeraddo, are named.

In 2389, with the permission of the Bajoran Government, Starfleet Academy opened a satellite campus in the Dahkur Provence.