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Earth is the third planet in the Sol System and is the capital world for the United Federation of Planets and the United Earth Commonwealth. Homeworld to the Human race (as well as some other intelligent sentient lifeforms), it also sometimes referred to as Sol III or its latin name of Terra. A class M world with an abundant source of life, Earth was the crowning jewel in the Earth Commonwealth before it became a founding world in the Coalition of Planets in 2155 and later the United Federation of Planets in 2161.

A strategically important world as well, Earth is vital to the survival of the UFP along with other key worlds of the including Vulcan, Andoria, Tellar, Berengaria VII and Bajor. As a result of aggressive species attempting to attack Earth and invade it, the Federation has invested a high amount in defence technology to protect it. Home to the Office of the Federation President, the Council Chambers for the Federation Council as well as Starfleet Headquarters and the main campus for Starfleet Academy, Earth was home to more than just humans by the end of the 24th century.


Pre-Warp Civilisation (Pre-22nd Century)

See Earth History

The rise of Humanity (22nd Century)

See United Earth Commonwealth History
After successfully finding a way to explore the stars through the use of warp travel and making first contact with the Vulcans, humanity was united in a way no one ever thought possible after they realise they're not alone in the universe. Poverty, disease, war were all gone within fifty years. The prosperity of the human race continued for the next century as science led Earth's recovery and the development of humans becoming an emerging galactic power, all under the guiding hand of the Vulcans. To ensure Earth's survival, humanity changed its entire approach to global issues that affected the world's environments. Sadly though from the previous centuries of the humans abusing the planet's natural resources and the destructive power of the Third World War, it took a lot for humanity to move their will not just politically but economically and socially to make the world a better place to live in. Through science and advice from the Vulcans, Humanity were somehow able to restore Earth's atmosphere, clean its oceans and ensure that areas of natural beauty and a range of animals that were threatened by extinction were protected. This took a lot of time and it would be known as a life-long job for the human race. Earth itself saw its population numbers fluctuate as people started to go off-world and make homes elsewhere from planets within the Sol system and those beyond. What was learnt about treating the scars the Earth had endured were used to make these new locations hospitable for humans to live on.

By 2119, the last of space junk that had been left in orbit of Earth was removed by the United Earth Space Probe Agency. During the early and middle part of the 22nd century, anyone who wanted to place a satellite or station in Earth orbit required permission from the Off-World department of the UESPA. The attack by the Xindi in 2152 against Earth prompted the Earth government to increase the defence of Earth against aggressive races as a higher priority. As a result of this, the United Earth Starfleet worked with the Earth Global Defence Force to develop a system-wide defence program that they believed would protect the Sol system. Due to the amount of work needed to create such a system, the resources allocated to starship production were marginally assigned to this project instead. Earth’s militaries were concerned that Starfleet and the UESPA would not be able to take on the incoming Xindi threat completely. Consequently, this meant that starship production from 2153-2154 drastically reduced. Starfleet also brought in a number of private contracts to assist with it too.

At the heart of the Federation (23rd & 24th Centuries)

See United Federation of Planets History

Further details to be added soon.

Earth In Play

  • Depending on what era of Star Trek played in, Earth as a whole has become an almost utopia place to visit.
    • In the 22nd Century:
      • Earth is still becoming an emerging power, where its unified government is still developing. Many people still hail from 'nation' states that have a level of de-evolved autonomy from the United Earth Government.
      • Rivalry between countries is rare and Humans are free to travel to any part of the world.
    • In the 23rd Century:
      • Earth is the capital world of the UFP and after surviving the Klingon War in the middle of the 2250s, is a place where most people feel is safe to be. Other Federation worlds were threatened more by the divided Klingon houses that were vying for power and struggle.
      • Nation states still exist, however the United Earth government is more in control of what happens politically across the planet.
    • In the 24th Century:
      • Due to the number of attacks and attempts to invade the planet, Earth is highly defended by Starfleet by the 2390s.