USS Pallas

From Bravo Fleet

USS Pallas is a Federation Vesta-class explorer assigned to Arcturus Squadron of Starfleet's Fourth Fleet.


There are several figures in Greco-Roman mythology with the name Pallas, the most notable of them being a companion of the Greek goddess Athena named Pallas who Athena accidentally slew and then took up as a name for herself, as Pallas Athena, and the youth Pallas, who was referenced in the Aeneid as a youth whose death spurs Aeneas on to kill Turnus. This vessel's namesake is the former, the goddess Athena, especially through the name of the dwarf planet 2 Pallas in the Sol System. Pallas was also the name of several naval vessels in the British and French navies in the 20th and 21st centuries on Earth.[1]

There have been two previous Federation starships to bear the name Pallas:

  • USS Pallas - NCC-1867 - Miranda-class light cruiser
  • USS Pallas - NCC-49802 - Ambassador-class exploratory cruiser


Built at Avalon Fleet Yards, Pallas was commissioned in 2401, following a year of space trials. For both her trials and her initial service, Pallas has been under the command of Captain Sitar. Following her formal commissioning, she was assigned to Arcturus Squadron.

Notable Crew

Commanding Officers

  • 2400-2401 : Captain Sitar (Space Trials)
  • 2401 : Captain Sitar



  1. Recommissioned in 2373 as the USS Palladium for service in the Dominion War. Destroyed in 2374.
  2. Upcycled during the construction of the third starship Pallas.