USS Atascadero

From Bravo Fleet

"Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate."
    —John F. Kennedy

USS Atascadero (NCC-87080) is a California-class multi-mission light starship currently assigned to Fourth Fleet's Task Force 21, operating in the area of Starbase 611. Produced at the Avalon Fleet Yards and launched in 2386, the Atascadero incorporated the latest Starfleet technologies available at the time. While classified as a Multi-Mission Support vessel and capable of a wide spectrum of missions, the Atascadero specializes in low-level diplomatic and administrative missions that, while often unglamorous, are essential to Starfleet's long-term goals in the region.


Externally similar to her California-class sisters, the Atascadero has a large, circular primary hull, two large nacelles suspended below the primary hull, and a small secondary hull mounted between the nacelles. A "clean sheet" design intended from the beginning to fulfil second-line support duties, the California-class has largely replaced the older Miranda, Constellation, and Excelsior-class ships which had been modified for these missions when their usefulness as front-line units had diminished. Unlike the sleek lines of larger explorers and cruisers which are optimized for speed and tactical situations, the California-class is a pragmatic and utilitarian design which has an ungainly appearance, but has proved its value to Starfleet many times over since its introduction in 2368.

The Atascadero was laid down in 2381 at the Avalon Fleet Yards as part of the fourth batch of the class ordered by Starfleet and was expected to be completed by the end of 2384. However, with the impending Romulan Supernova, all of Starfleet's resources were diverted to constructing the largest evacuation fleet in history, delaying production on lower-priority projects. The attack on the Utopia Planitia Shipyard caused further delays in starship production and the Atascadero was finally launched in December 2386, almost two years behind the initial schedule.

One advantage of the delayed production schedule was allowing the most up-to-date subsystems to be included in the ship. Some of these advanced subsystems include an Advanced Environmental System, specifically in the VIP quarters, which allows the ship to accommodate nearly any form of sentient life. Also included was an Advanced Communications Suite, which allows the ship to send encrypted and secured holographic communications through the subspace network. Finally, numerous small incremental improvements have been incorporated into all Starfleet ships, differentiating the newest ships of the class from those built nearly 20 years prior.


As one of the California-class ships designated primarily for diplomatic and administrative support missions, the Atascadero includes three large VIP suites for visiting dignitaries, diplomats, and high-ranking Federation officials. The suites include not only an expansive VIP cabin, but also an anteroom and a half-dozen adjoining cabins suitable for attendants, aides, or relatives of the VIP. These adjoining cabins are smaller but just as finely appointed as the larger VIP cabin. Further, each suite is a self-contained habitat, including dedicated environmental and communications systems, as well as the ability to quarantine from the rest of the ship if necessary out of medical or security concerns.

Also included among the VIP facilities is a holodeck reserved exclusively as a meeting space for VIP's. This holodeck can produce any environment that is appropriate for any species in order to provide an environment which would be conducive to peaceful and productive negotiations. As with the VIP suites, this holodeck has dedicated environmental and communications systems, as well as enhanced security features which allow confidential negotiations to take place without fear of eavesdropping.


While all Starfleet Captains are authorized to negotiate on behalf of the Federation, because the Atascadero often serves as a diplomatic transport and meeting place, Starfleet has seen fit to assign officers to the ship who specialize in diplomacy to assist the Captain or other Federation representative who may be embarked for a diplomatic mission.

- Diplomatic Attaché: While not an ambassador or envoy themselves, the attaché is nevertheless an essential part of the diplomatic process. In addition to being a specialist in Federation policy and negotiation decorum, the attaché ensures the formalities of negotiation are appropriate and adhered to. Additionally, the attaché acts as a liaison with other Federation organizations outside of Starfleet and is able to request additional resources from these organizations. Like most officers aboard California-class ships, the Diplomatic Attaché is typically a junior officer on their first independent assignment and answers to a higher authority at the Fleet level.

- Judge Advocate General: As an advisor on the finer points of Federation and interstellar law, the JAG officer is responsible for researching and reviewing all relevant legal statutes, jurisprudence, and traditions. The JAG officer is also responsible for ensuring any legally binding documents generated during negotiations (e.g.- treaties) pass legal muster before they receive the appropriate signatures and seals. On rare occasion, the JAG officer can also act to enforce pre-existing legal agreements (e.g.- extraditions). This is a common first assignment for junior JAG officers immediately after earning their Juris Doctorate (or equivalent) degree and subsequent commission.

- Diplomatic Security Officer - While the ship's Chief of Security is responsible for ensuring the safety of the ship and all occupants aboard, the Diplomatic Security Officer has a much more narrow focus, which is to ensure the safety of any VIPs on board and ensure diplomatic security is maintained for the benefit of all participants. In matter of diplomatic security aboard the ship, the DSS answers only to the ship's Captain or designee (typically the Executive Officer if the Captain is unavailable). When VIPs go aboard foreign vessels, stations, or planetoids, the DSS will coordinate with local security forces to ensure the safety of Federation personnel and property.

Notable Crew

Commanding Officers