Pesak Repair Yards

From Bravo Fleet
This article is official Bravo Fleet canon.

Federation Faction

The Pesak Repair Yards orbit Pesak III and are civilian-owned drydocks operated by a Federation freighter service in the Deneb Sector. They are old Starfleet shipyards from the twenty-third century that were decommissioned and sold to civilian companies. Primarily used by freighters for repairs and general maintenance, their location on the far edges of Federation space along the Alpha Quadrant frontier is of no tactical advantage.

Since its capture by the Dominion Lost Fleet in 2401, its resources were turned to the repair and maintenance of Dominion ships, and its staff believed fully replaced by the Dominion. Due to the shipyard’s size, it is only able to support smaller vessels, but this has allowed light patrol craft to remain operational near the frontier.

Pesak III

Pesak III is a small Class N world that has had a small Federation colony on it since the early twenty-fourth century. The colonists mainly live in underground settlements.

In Play

  • This article was written for the ‘Hit and Run’ mission in the Lost Fleet campaign, and is intended to be used for reference by that mission’s writer. The member may edit and update this article to reflect additional setting or story developments.
  • Members who are not part of this mission may refer to the repair yards or Pesak system, but should not integrate them into their stories without consulting the mission’s writer.
  • The colonists at Pesak III are under Dominion rule at the time of this mission. Starfleet has given no orders what is to be done about them yet - but some day they will need rescuing or liberating. The Repair Yards themselves are believed wholly manned by the Dominion.