Paulson Nebula

From Bravo Fleet
This article is official Bravo Fleet canon.

Federation Faction

The Paulson Nebula is a nebula located in Federation territory in the Beta Quadrant. Lying in proximity to Starbase Bravo, it is a vast area of varying density. While some of its reaches are difficult to navigate and obscure sensors, many of the star systems within are home to colonies, research settlements, or mining facilities.

Since the disruptions of the Century Storm in early 2400, the Paulson Nebula has become increasingly volatile, harder to navigate, a more dangerous place to live, and a site of significant scientific interest. Most of Starfleet’s operations in the area are based out of Starbase Bravo.


Humanity first ventured into the Paulson Nebula during the Earth-Romulan War, where its obfuscations of sensor systems made its monitoring strategically essential. With neither side particularly capable of piercing its disruptions, the nebula remained unclaimed territory until the war’s end and the establishment of the Romulan Neutral Zone left the Federation free to expand.

For the late 22nd century, the nebula was treated as a strategic priority. Listening outposts within and nearby were deployed to ensure it could not be used as a hiding spot for Klingon or pirate enemies. As these threats were ushered away and sensor technology improved, Starfleet deployed more scientific missions to study the phenomenon. By the end of the century, listening outposts were joined by research and mining facilities, and in the early 2200s colonisation began of worlds at the outskirts. With the nebula stymying a Klingon advance on the Mellstoxx system during the Klingon-Federation War of the 2250s, the phenomenon became viewed as much as a protection as a danger.

Growth in nearby, affluent Mellstoxx helped drive expansion into the Paulson Nebula from there. With technological advances rendering many parts of the nebula navigable and habitable, settlements inside the phenomenon were small and strung out, but boasted a variety of treasures - from privacy to resources to simple beauty. Expansion of Federation borders further and further beyond the nebula made it an increasingly safe place to live, a location of curiosity rather than a wilderness.

While vast reaches were difficult, even dangerous to navigate, these were largely avoided by the increasingly civilian or low-security Starfleet presence in the nebula.

The Century Storm

At the start of 2400, multiple ion storms racked the Paulson Nebula, presenting massive risk to not only starships and stations in the region, but causing massive adverse conditions on many colonies. While some worlds could protect themselves through planetary shielding and weather systems, others were harder hit or more vulnerable. Starfleet responded, evacuating dozens of worlds and trying to find a cause.

Ultimately, subspace rifts manifesting across the nebula were found to be the triggers of these ion storms. Starfleet was able to close those they found, ending most of the storms, but many colonies had been left irrevocably changed, damaged, or ruined. The Paulson Nebula would never be the same.

The Nebula Today

Since the Century Storm, the Paulson Nebula has become a more dangerous place. There is no confirmation all of the subspace rifts causing these ion storms were found, and the storm’s disruption of the nebula’s composition has left the region harder to scan, navigate, and communicate across than ever. While this has made the nebula rife with new opportunities for scientific study, it has also made life harder for those who live and work in its expanses, and the whole region has become more appealing for those who want to hide from Starfleet’s watchful eye.

Scientific Research

It remains unknown what caused the Century Storm. Long after it ended, its effects linger. The Paulson Nebula is more prone than ever before to mysterious ion storms and manifestations of stellar phenomena, including the occasional subspace rift the like of which triggered the Century Storm itself. Disturbances and disruptions are challenges to navigation and sensors alike, but that brings its own temptations for Starfleet Science.

The rifts themselves are few and far between, but they continue to wreak havoc on local space-time. If found, they require the sort of resources to resolve normally the purview of Starfleet: the modification of a starship’s navigational deflector to emit a dekyon beam at the rift itself.

There are thus many scientific missions sent into the Paulson Nebula. Most revolve around the study of the storms or rifts themselves, or the other phenomena manifesting in this disrupted region. Otherwise, the region provides excellent opportunities to experiment with sensor and flight technologies under difficult conditions.

Colonial Support

Civilians have lived and worked in the Paulson Nebula for two hundred years. They have settled colonies on rugged worlds and resorts on planets of outstanding beauty. They have harnessed the wealth of its natural resources and built industries great and small. Life there was never easy, but it was usually safe - until the Century Storm.

The ion storms ravaged many of the nebula’s settlements and facilities. Starfleet shielded those they could and evacuated those they couldn’t. But the after-effects remain. Some colonists seek to recover what was lost, returning to abandoned homes or rebuilding devastated settlements. Others try to adapt to the new normal, eking out a more difficult existence in a region far more hostile to their lives and their work.

Starfleet is committed to helping the people of the Paulson Nebula. They do not promise the impossible; for every world that will see its way of life restored as if nothing happened, another is irrevocably changed. Most colonies and settlements were never in the deepest reaches of the nebula, and the end of the Century Storm has been an end to the disruption. But many colonies need to be rebuilt, and some need greater protection than before.

Security Operations

Sensors struggle to pierce the Paulson Nebula like never before, and various unscrupulous factions seek to exploit this. Away from Starfleet’s watchful eye, pirates and criminals target freighters and settlements, smuggle cargo, or build quiet bases of operations. The nebula is too deep into Federation territory, with mighty Starbase Bravo nearby, for the forces of hostile foreign powers or pirate groups bigger than a smattering of ships to gather. If they were not spotted by Starfleet’s patrols, they would be found the moment they fired their impulse engines beyond the nebula’s veil. But behind this new shield, smaller operations can and have thrived.

It is thus imperative for Starbase Bravo to step up its local security. Smallcraft - runabouts and auxiliary craft - are usually sufficient to run down the sorts of threats that operate in the nebula, and at worst they are hardy enough to identify a bigger danger and survive long enough to summon help. They run patrols, escort cargo shipments, respond to distress calls, investigate smuggling activity, and help shore up colony defences.

In Play

  • Almost all operations in the Paulson Nebula are based out of Starbase Bravo, and usually don't require more than a runabout or auxiliary craft. The area has been designed by the Intelligence Office as a scenario for role-players on the Starbase Bravo Sandbox to use for adventures or light threat on away missions. It's perfectly appropriate to write a small operation into the nebula based on the prompts here, without needing staff approval.
  • The Paulson Nebula always had slightly wild and mysterious depths, but significant stretches of it were once considered safe to live and work. Over the centuries, many colonies and industrial or research facilities were established. All of them felt some effect of the Century Storm. Life in the region is only slowly returning to normal, or to a 'new normal.' There are many humanitarian missions to support colonies, old or new, as they resettle or rebuild.
  • Communication, navigation, and use of sensors is now harder than ever before. New, disruptive stellar phenomena are found or manifest. The region feels bigger, more mysterious, and more dangerous. It is also rife with opportunities for, particularly, astronomical scientific missions.
  • Criminal activities of smugglers or pirates are not huge - but they are well hidden in the nebula, which makes them dangerous to locals. Illicit goods are transported and hidden, cargo shipments are raided, colonies threatened. This is no place a fleet can hide, but local troublemakers have grown bold.
  • But above all, the disruption of the Paulson Nebula is contained. In some years the region may even be safe again. Little within will threaten anything outside the nebula, and it almost certainly won't endanger Starbase Bravo. But it's important to the people who live there.