Nasera System

From Bravo Fleet
This article is official Bravo Fleet canon.

Federation Faction

The Nasera System lies in the Deneb Sector. Highly rich in resources, it was one of the first systems to be settled in the region, during the early years of the Federation when colonists were still at risk of aggression from the Kzinti Patriarchy. As such, it is a populous, industrial place, with facilities across the system. The main settlements, however, are on Nasera II.

In the early days of the Lost Fleet crisis, the Nasera System was captured and occupied by the Dominion Lost Fleet until its liberation by a Fourth Fleet counterassault led by the USS Polaris.

Points of Interest

Almost every one of the nine planets in the system is industrialized in some way. Gas mining is conducted around the gas giant of Nasera VI, including mining of its rings. Precious minerals are mined for on many of the other worlds. The ice planet of Nasera VIII has large quantities of frozen heavy water, and its processing provides an abundant source of fuel. An asteroid belt rings the system between the second and third planets, and is likewise a hub of consistent asteroid mining.

This makes the system a bustling hub of facilities, systems, patrol ships, and stations. Under Dominion rule, these are forced to continue their work, but with millions of people living in Nasera, there is only so much oversight that can be provided by a finite number of Jem’Hadar and Vorta. Some industry the Dominion deems unnecessary to their cause has been shut down as a result.

Nasera II

The inhabitable planet of Nasera II is home to the majority of the system’s inhabitants and its capital, Nasera City. A highly urbanized settlement with a population of eight million, it is a huge city of soaring towers, factories and refineries.

In the core of Nasera City is a control center from which the colonial government manages operations throughout the system, including the planetary defense grid. During the Lost Fleet occupation, the Dominion used this facility to exert control over the populace until it was disabled by a covert team from the USS Polaris. It has since been repaired, but many colonists still remember the role it played in their oppression.

Outside of Nasera City lie the homes of the leaders of governance, industry, and society. These are generally surface-level buildings, comfortable estates adjacent to the rural regions that are themselves hubs of agriculture, recreation, and conservation. To the east of the city lies the planet’s largest ocean and its huge dock complex that again serves recreation as much as industry. To the south is the Nasera Municipal Spaceport, a vast surface facility to manage almost all transport of incoming craft with landing capabilities for both business and pleasure.

Notable Events

Lost Fleet Crisis

In the early days of the Lost Fleet crisis, the Nasera System was captured by the Dominion. Through the iron grip of the Jem'Hadar and a campaign of psychological terror led by the Vorta commander, the industrial capacity of the colony was converted to wholly support the Lost Fleet war effort.

Recognizing the importance of the Nasera System, it was deemed a key priority by Fourth Fleet Command to retake the Nasera System. A covert action team, comprised of USS Polaris Hazard Team members and a couple private contractors, was dispatched to Nasera II to disrupt planetary and orbital defenses, paving the way for a counter-offensive to recapture the system, and then, on March 16, 2401, Fleet Admiral Allison Reyes led an an assault wing of six ships, including the USS Polaris, the USS Diligent and USS Ingenuity, in the Battle of Nasera. While the assault wing suffered heavy casualties, including 935 Starfleet officers and crew, victory was ultimately achieved.

The occupation and liberation of Nasera did substantial damage to the system's infrastructure and colonists. The USS Polaris, USS Diligent and USS Ingenuity remained in orbit to support the recovery effort, and as the extent of damage became clear, they were joined by Commodore Imya Jori and the USS Verity. By May 2401, critical infrastructure had been repaired, but it is estimated that it will take years to rebuild everything that was lost, and the traumas the colonists endured may last with them forever.

For detailed proceedings, see Infiltrate and Liberate.

In Play

  • Nasera is one of the oldest Federation holdings in the region. It is a well-developed and bustling hub, home to all manner of species. There are also many possible points of interest only alluded to here or not mentioned at all - additional points of industries, settlements on Nasera II, districts in Nasera City. These can be freely developed. The place is huge.
  • The Dominion occupation did significant damage to the Nasera System during their occupation, and while the humanitarian crisis has mostly passed, it will take years to rebuild what was lost. Further, many colonists feel like the Federation abandoned them when the Lost Fleet came, and issues like post-traumatic stress are rampant.