Kasan's Curiosities

From Bravo Fleet

Having tired of traveling to unsecured sectors on a hunch or rumors of significant archaeological finds, Bajoran treasure hunter Kasan sold off most of his collection and set up shop on the Starbase 72 promenade.

Kasan's Curiosities could charitably be described as an antique store, though some would call it a junk shop. A collector might enter Kasan's shop and see tchotchkes, objets d'art, books, tapestries, rugs, religious icons and other minor treasures. For the discerning buyer, though, Kasan keeps a secure collection of extremely rare artifacts. Though he calls them priceless, he's not afraid to put a number to them when faced with an eager customer.

A lot of the customer traffic in the shop is travelers on a layover between transports. They stop in, look around and either don't buy anything or pick up something simple, like a paperweight or Risian horga'hns. He has regular customers that come in monthly or every other month, and the occasional big spender referred to Kasan by former associates.

In addition to knick knacks, Kasan's Curiosities deals in information. It can range from reliable intelligence from the various traders he deals with, spurious gossip he picks up at the base lounges or even a collection of old star charts he keeps from his travels. Most of his information clients are fellow treasure hunters, archaeologists, anthropologists and the occasional smuggler. From time to time, an agent of Starfleet Intelligence comes his way.

Location and Layout

The shop is mercantile section of the base's promenade, between an outfitter popular with freighter captains and a store that sells engineering parts and tools out of production and not available on most replicators. At first, Kasan was insulted at being relegated to what he regarded as substandard real estate, but after his first quarter, he realized the shop was right where it needed to be.

Kasan's Curiosities is mostly tables scattered around the floor. There's no rhyme or reason to the arrangement of items. It resembles a small, disorganized warehouse. Kasan finds that the random placement of his inventory helps keep people in the shop longer. He surveys the shop and customers from a counter along the back wall. A door behind the counter leads to Kasan's office, and a vault leading to what he calls "the executive showroom." That's where invited guests and certain other VIPs get to see "the good stuff." It's rumored that in the vault he has, sealed in a transparent alumimum cube, a guide to sexual dysfunction in Vulcans, a rare piece of literature that most Vulcans attempt to deny exists. He will not part with it for any amount. "The Vulcans who will admit to its authenticity hate that I have it, and the ones who deny it get tongue tied when I show them."

Kasan's Curiosities In-Play

  • Though Kasan keeps "the good stuff" under lock and keycard, one might occasionally find a trinket, insightful book or important starchart out on the main floor.
  • Though some characters might suggest that the shop is a front for Kasan's information business, it's actually half and half. It can be a good place for a freighter captain to get a tip on circumventing a Starfleet inspection patrol, the latest rumors about archaeological digs, or valuable intelligence for the inquiring Starfleet or Federation Security agent.
  • The disorganized nature of the shop's layout makes a good place for someone on the run from the shore patrol to duck in and lay low.