Handl Dryf

From Bravo Fleet
This article is official Bravo Fleet canon.


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"Sometimes, the only thing more dangerous than a question is an answer."
    —Ferengi Rule of Acquistion #208

The station Handl Dryf is a Ferengi-owned establishment on the border of the Ferengi Alliance and the United Federation of Planets. An independent outpost, it welcomes any who need neutral ground where they can conduct business: exchange goods, make trade deals, gather information, lie low, get their ship repaired, or just get some shore leave.


Superficially the design and construction of Handl Dryf resembles the concept of a Standford Torus station, though at just over half the diameter of the smallest proposed designs, is incapable of producing a sustained 1 g of artificial centrifugal gravity. Instead the station relies on ubiquitous gravity plating like any other modern space does.

The design does allow for the station to feature a prominent 'endless' walking mall running the entire torus. A hub of commercial activity, there isn't anything within the Deneb Sector, or neighbouring galactic territories, that can't be found, regardless of legality. Terracing allows the mall to extend upwards for multiple levels, fluctuating as one makes their way around the station from a minimum of three up to seven. Behind the immediate commercial zone of the mall lies the residential and service sectors of the station, where so much happens to maintain the clean and tidy illusion of the never-ending commercial zone without being seen.

Docking Facilities

About the size of the old Nor-class station Deep Space Nine, Handl Dryf has the capacity for a huge number of small-to-medium sized ships, and a handful of even larger vessels. Ferengi Marauders, Cardassian warships, and even some Starfleet explorers are not unknown sightings here. Other traffic is usually that of heavy freighters, smaller raiding ships, or personal transports for business or leisure. Traffic volume is often high, and the station is well-defended not just by its own weapon and shield emplacements, but a decent local patrol group, and the willing arms of any nearby mercenaries who could be quickly hired.

By protocol, Handl Dryf asks the business of anyone who docks. The staff tend to not press for details - purchasing goods, brokering trade agreements, R&R, are all good enough reasons. But they’re canny and can smell a rat, and anyone who gives a suspicious story is likely put under close watch. They also have no tolerance for anyone coming to start trouble. Starfleet can send a ship here looking for information on a troublemaker, and someone may sell that information to them. But Handl Dryf will send them packing if they try to make an arrest aboard, and Starfleet policy is to play by their rules. The station is too useful an information point to ruin relations with the owners.

On Board Facilities

Handl Dryf can offer decent resupply to any ship, and basic maintenance. Such repairs are unlikely to meet Starfleet standards, and they are unlikely to have the right components aboard, but their engineers can be hired to do a good enough job in a pinch. Non-Starfleet ships are much easier for them to fix up.

Most people come to Handl Dryf, however, for their leisure district at the heart of the station. The promenade here is like a small town, with both permanent bars and recreational businesses on the premises, and smaller, pop-up shacks and stalls along the main walkway. Any kind of bar, eatery, sauna, holosuite, massage parlour, gambling den, smoking den, or other recreational facility that can be imagined can be found on Handl Dryf.

Those seeking somewhere to conduct private business can either contact the owners of the station itself and request a private room be set aside for their affairs, or take their chances with the respectability of a bar owner with a back room. The former might take some explanation, especially if it’s Starfleet who want a private room, but they’re likely to honour the deal and not spy. The latter will ask fewer questions, but probably have fewer scruples - and less fastidious security arrangements.

Notable Locations

Administrator Dryf's Residence

Roger's Saloon

The Pit

In Play

  • This article was written for ‘The Old Alliance’ mission, What Price for Peace, in the Lost Fleet fleet action, and is intended to be used for reference by that mission’s writer. The member may edit and update this article to reflect additional setting or story developments.
  • Members who are not part of this mission may refer to the system as a known area of Ferengi space in the area, but should not integrate it into their stories without consulting the mission’s writer.
  • Handl Dryf is a well-known neutral ground for all manner of operations in the region. Starfleet would like to keep it that way, and while officers are warned of the dangers when going aboard (anyone will rob Starfleet of anything, including intel), they are also told to play by Handl Dryf’s rules. It’s a useful place to keep on their good side.