Galadkail Minor

From Bravo Fleet
This article is official Bravo Fleet canon.

Federation Faction

Nestled on the Federation’s coreward Alpha Quadrant frontier in the Deneb Sector, the colony of Galadkail Minor is a relatively new settlement. It was established in the last few decades with Starfleet intending to use it as a launching point for deep-space exploratory missions, though Starfleet’s changing priorities mean it has seen more civilian expeditions. Its sleepy backwater life was disturbed in 2401 with the return of the Lost Fleet, casting Galadkail Minor into great danger.


The colony sits on the third planet of the system, an M-class world. Its surface is mostly water, with settlements established along a tropical island chain near the equator. Starfleet support in the early years means construction was quick and colonists rushed out there. As such, the early settlements are now bustling, if strung-out, cities supported by agriculture and industry on nearby islands.

As it sits on a border rife with low-level danger, Galadkail Minor has up-to-date defensive facilities, from orbital platforms to a planetary shield, and the colonists are no strangers to trouble from the likes of the Breen, Kzinti, or local troublemakers. However, the planet has never withstood a major military assault such as the Dominion currently threaten.

In Play

  • This article was written for the ‘Race to Galadkail’ mission in the Lost Fleet campaign, and is intended to be used for reference by that mission’s writer. The member may edit and update this article to reflect additional setting or story developments.
  • Members who are not part of the mission may refer to Galadkail Minor as a Federation colony known to be under threat, but should not include it in their storytelling without consulting the mission’s writer.