
From Bravo Fleet

Finnt is a High Commissioner of the Devore Imperium. Typical of those employed by his fascist, fanatically anti-telepth government, he believes in the manifest superiority of Devore rules and traditions above all else. As vehement upholder and mouthpiece of his imperial regime, Fintt frequently spouts government propaganda, even going as far as to write several treatises on the dangers of allowing telepaths to “run amok” in the galaxy.

Surrounded only by those who agree with him, Fintt embodies Devore social norms. He prizes the unquestioning loyalty of his underlings, brutally eliminating those who second guess his decisions. Having risen through the ranks of the Imperium by plotting and political intrigue, Fintt trusts no one, least of all his allies.

Although severely paranoid, Fintt’s ideological zeal and consistent ability to achieve Imperium military objectives have led to the Imperial Ascendency considering him useful, for now. As High Commissioner, Fintt is responsible for the policing of all Devore Imperium space, implementing stop and search policies, and the detention of any telepaths and crews found to be harbouring them.

The Razing of Meldagan IV

Fintt’s rise to notoriety in the Imperium hierarchy can be traced back to the annihilation of Brenari colony world Stryylen V. A Wing Commander at the time, Fintt’s battle group was assigned to create more “living space” in the sector for a Devore population undergoing rapid growth. The Stryylen colony was immediately targeted as an area for potential expansion as the least populated of several Brenari systems bordering the Devore Imperium. Four of Fintt’s ships arrived in orbit in early 2396 and demanded the colony be abandoned immediately to serve the greater needs of the Devore people. While several Brenari transports were able to evacuate a portion of the planet’s twelve million inhabitants, far more remained behind due to lack of carrying capacity in a Brenari fleet crippled by a century of Imperium harassment. Fintt soon became impatient. Reasoning that the needs of the Devore must be met without delay, he ordered the orbital bombardment of all Brenari settlements on the planet’s surface. Millions perished, and ground troops were deployed to ensure the extermination of all survivors.

Previously content with the raiding, detaining or otherwise degrading the Brenari people, eyebrows were raised by Fintt’s actions even amongst the Imperial Ascendency. However, the immediate resettlement of Stryylen V and its rapid prosperity ensured that public opinion fell in favour of Fintt. His only lament was the lack of efficiency in “cleansing the lands of their infestation”.

Blood Dilithium

Fintt’s total and unquestioning commitment to Devore ideology has led to him being placed in overall command of “Imperative 17”; a push by the Devore Imperium to expand their territory and seize Blood Dilithium fields appearing in the Delta Quadrant’s Gradin Belt. In late 2400, this brought the Devore Imperium into conflict with Starfleet’s presence in the region as the latter attempted to resolve the resulting humanitarian crisis.


  • Fintt is intended for use in all writing related to the Blood Dilithium Campaign.
  • Fintt is aggressive, a keen tactician and not to be trifled with. Wherever he goes, several or more Devore ships are likely to be near.
  • Devore officers appearing in your stories will likely be acting on orders given directly by Fintt.
  • As overall commander of the Devore’s Bood Dilithium military efforts, Fintt is extremely unlikely to be present anywhere other than the most strategically important locations and events.
  • Fintt is fanatically anti-telepath, a true believer of Devore propaganda. He cannot be reasoned with and will not hesitate to commit heinous atrocities for his “cause”.
  • This character is integral to the Blood Dilithium plot and must not be killed!