Archanis Station

From Bravo Fleet

[[Category:Canopus Class-class]]

Starbase 27, codenamed Archanis Station, is a Canopus-class space station that serves as the primary base of operations for Starfleet activities within the Archanis Sector and adjacent territories. Located over Gorion VII in the Meronia Cluster, Archanis Station represents Starfleet’s renewed investment in the area, offering support, stability and security to a borderlands region that has received little attention from the Federation in recent decades.


The establishment of Archanis Station came in direct response to an armed conflict with the Hunters of D'Ghor in 2399, and a fungal blight that crippled the region’s food supply concurrently. At the time, Starfleet maintained only a skeletal presence in the region with a single aging space station and a handful of last-generation vessels under the command of Task Group 27. While the Fourth Fleet launched the Archanis Campaign to provide immediate humanitarian relief and repulse the Hunters of D’Ghor, it became clear that long-term effort would be necessary to address decades of neglect and rebuild local faith in the Federation. This led to the decision to replace the aging starbase with a new Canopus-class station that was more strategically positioned within the sector and would serve as the headquarters for a new wave of diplomatic, security and engineering initiatives across the region.

Starbase 27 came online in June 2401, replacing the dilapidated station that had previously born its registry. Rear Admiral Alex Grayson, a long-time borderlands commander with significant experience along the frontier, was appointed as regional commander for Archanis Sector Operations, and he was joined by Captain Elsie Drake as his executive officer and head of station operations.


Archanis Station is charged with the following missions:

  • Maintain the security of the Federation border.
  • Provide humanitarian aid and logistical support after the Archanis Campaign.
  • Conduct research to improve regional sustainability after the fungal blight.
  • Improve diplomatic relations with borderlands colonies and neighboring powers.
  • Invest in the revitalization of infrastructure in the Archanis Sector.

In order to support its mission, in addition to the standard Starfleet compliment, it is also supported by:

  • Archanis Sector Detachment, Fourth Fleet Corps of Engineers under the command of Commodore Amit Agarwal, which is responsible for regional infrastructure development with the dual mandates of increasing Starfleet's operational capabilities in the long-disregarded sector and reinforcing the stability and sustainability of the Federation's colonies in the region.
  • Archanis Diplomatic Mission, Federation Diplomatic Corps led by Ambassador Michael Drake, which is responsible for improving relations both with Federation borderlands colonies in the region and with local and regional neighbors.
  • Polaris Squadron under the command of Fleet Admiral Allison Reyes, which is based out of Starbase 27 to reinforce Starfleet’s security posture within the sector. Polaris Squadron's Advanced Science, Technology and Research Activity also maintains a permanent presence on the station.

Notable Crew

Commanding Officers


  • Archanis Station is a starbase command assigned to Fleet Admiral James Neidlinger, but members may feature it in their stories in accordance with Section 3.5 of the Command Policy. Fleet Admiral James Neidlinger also welcomes collaborative joint posting on the the command itself.
  • Archanis Station is set within Meronia Cluster, a dense star cluster that has historically served as the breadbasket of the Archanis Sector. In 2399, the Meronia Cluster was decimated by a fungal blight, crippling the region's food supply. A key aspect of Archanis Station's mandate is to support Gorion VII and other agricultural worlds in the region with their recovery.
  • The Archanis Sector been through a difficult few years between the fungal blight that afflicted its crops and hostile attacks by the Hunters of D'Ghor. While the Archanis Campaign put a stop to the immediate crises, many colonies are still reeling from both the material and the psychological impacts.
  • Federation-Klingon borderlands regions, including the Archanis Sector, have in large part been left to their own auspices for several decades. Archanis Station represents a significant reinvestment by Starfleet in the region, and while this reinvestment is welcomed by some, it is viewed with skepticism by many.