Aben Ch'Thobar

From Bravo Fleet
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Commodore Aben Ch'Thobar is the current commanding officer of Deep Space 47 within the Thomar Expanse. His early career within Starfleet started in the sciences before a change to the command division placed him in command of a series of science vessels over the years. Responsible for a series of discoveries and two separate first-contact situations throughout his years of commanding starships, most recently the USS Vesher Sh'Trak, Ch'Thobar accepted command of Deep Space 47, a chance to sit at the gateway of new discoveries.

Personal and Starfleet History

Early Life

Starfleet Academy

Early Career

First Officer

Command( -2400)

USS Vesher Sh'Trak (2390 - 2400)

Come late 2390, Ch'Thobar was reassigned to the USS Vesher Sh'Trak, an Obena-class explorer that had just finished an early long-haul refit. While the ship was named in honour of an Andorian warrior-poet of myth, its history to date had been one of faithful, but unglamorous duty. Under Ch'Thobar's command that changed with the ship's new mission of mid-range exploration along the Federation's southern border, pushing out between the Children of Tama and the Sheliak Corporate.

Flag Officer (2400 - Present)

Having resisted promotion to flag rank for the better part of a decade, Ch'Thobar finally conceded the point in 2400 due to the combined efforts of Starfleet Command and more importantly his wife, who wanted her husband to slow down in his later years. With the promotion came a transfer from Third to Fourth Fleet and a new assignment.

Deep Space 47 (2400 - Present)

While accepting a flag posting removed Ch'Thobar from the centre seat of his own starship command, the offer to command Deep Space 47 was a suitable enticement to the man. The chance to sit at the gateway to the Thomar Expanse and to be able to cast his own gaze upon all the returning data or physical artefacts was just too good an opportunity to turn down, an offer seemingly tailor-made to his interests, so with little thought, Ch'Thobar accepted the posting.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
Cadet Fourth Class
Cadet Third Class
Cadet Second Class
Cadet First Class
Lieutenant Junior Grade
Lieutenant Commander
2390 - 2400 Commanding Officer USS Vesher Sh'Trak Captain
2400 - Present Commanding Officer Deep Space 47 Commodore

Commodore Aben Ch'Thobar In Play

  • Commodore Aben Ch'Thobar is a Task Force 47 NPC, in command of Deep Space 47 and its immediate surrounds. He can be used in your game when a command-level officer may be needed.
  • The information in this bio is a rough guide only and not completely detailed to allow for vagaries to exist and room for writers to manoeuvre.
  • Ch'Thobar is a level-headed command officer with a keen tactical sense despite having risen through Starfleet's Science divisions. Despite having started as a scientist though, he is not afraid to stand his ground and resist force when required.
  • He prefers to try and make himself an approachable individual but has little tolerance for hypocrisy, laziness or reckless behaviour. His demeanour can go from gentle commander to stereotypical argumentative Andorian at the drop of hat despite years of self-improvement.
  • Typically Ch'Thobar can be located in Station Ops, or his office. Failing that, he commonly likes to tour DS47's science labs in order to live vicariously through the work that passes through his station. A generalist, he holds no particular field of speciality and a decent grasp of most of the sciences.
  • Ch'Thobar speaks in a direct and pointed manner that some might interpret as rude, but is merely a result of years working with others who valued their time as much as he values his own. He prefers to get to the point so that efforts can be made to move on to the next.