USS Reliant

From Bravo Fleet
Revision as of 22:20, 19 February 2023 by CptSkye (talk | contribs)

The USS Reliant (NCC-90200) is the prototype ship of the Reliant-class light cruisers and is currently assigned to the Fourth Fleet in Task Force 17.

She and her class are named in honor of USS Reliant (NCC-1864).

How It Began

In 2400 the crew of the USS Kison went on a deep space mission when they were hailed by a security team in Starfleet uniform. They ordered the crew to report to Earth Space dock where they would be questioned for a crime they didn't commit. Once on their way to Earth, things turned black and when they woke up, they were detained in cells. This was not an ordinary Starfleet prison. When they were being processed, and stripped of their uniforms and comm devices, they walked along a window. Through the window, the crew witnessed how the USS Kison was towed away. Nobody knew how or why this was happening. Once returned to their cells, they were each interrogated separately. Some of the crew got tortured. For weeks the crew was kept in cells. No food, no water. Until weeks later a search team entered the facility in which the crew was kept. Starfleet brought the crew home, however, the Kison wasn't there.

Left without a ship, it seemed like Kelvin was to be reassigned elsewhere. The rest of the crew appeared to be reassigned as well. Things didn't look good until Kelvin walked out the doors of Starfleet Command and was greeted by his crew and those who served under his command. The admiral shook Kelvin's hand as they looked towards the sky and saw the USS Reliant in orbit. On that day the Reliant became a ship under command of Kelvin Benedict Walker.

The Crew

Officer Duty/Role Rank
Kelvin Benedict Walker Commanding Officer Lieutenant Commander
Dorav Executive Officer Lieutenant
Tixari Etraa Chief Medical / Doctor Lieutenant
Gavin O’Heron Chief Engineer Lieutenant
Boral Chief Tactical Lieutenant Junior Grade
Pankoj Cerr Chief OPS Ensign

The Ship

A successor in appearance and role to the venerable Miranda class, the Reliant-class frigate is a modern, capable starship intended to handle routine border and space lane patrol duties. While the Miranda was only designated a frigate in the 2360s towards the end of her lifespan, the Reliant was designed from the ground up with this role in mind. The goal of this design program was to provide a well-armed ship that could allow Starfleet to phase out a number of smaller starship designs produced from the 2350s through the 2370s.

Exploration and Science

Though not designed to embark on long-range, independent exploration missions, Reliant is still a capable scientific platform for missions such as planetary surveys. Uniquely for a ship of her size, Reliant does not have any specialized labs–all six of her science labs are generalized and configurable to the particular mission she has been assigned to, rather than having dedicated spaces for each discipline. To save space, there is no stellar cartography bay, but there is an astrometric suite that serves the same function.

Reliant has enhanced long-range sensors mounted in two pods between the superstructure and the primary hull, which give her above-average range and precision in terms of scanning ability, which makes her ideal to patrol the Federation’s borders.


Equipped with eleven small Type-XII phaser arrays, Reliant is provided with all-around beam weapon coverage, which is a major improvement over Miranda, which had several well-known blind spots. Like with her engines, Reliant’s phaser arrays are an adapted version of the same arrays in use aboard Sovereign, which are a substantial improvement from earlier phaser arrays in terms of their precision and combat survivability, though with Reliant’s smaller power generation ability and thus lower firepower, they are expected to last at least twice as long as their larger cousins before needing major maintenance. Theoretically, it would be possible to achieve greater performance with these arrays with additional power.

Torpedo coverage is provided by a pod located above the main superstructure of the vessel, which contains two forward and two aft torpedo launchers, each capable of firing in volleys of up to three torpedoes at once. Ordnance is stored in this pod, as well, and typically they carry a mix of photon and quantum torpedoes.

In addition to ten centimeters of ablative armor on her hull, Reliant is equipped with the same multi-layer shielding system found on similar ships of her size and mission, with an estimated 120% greater survivability than modernized Miranda-class ships experienced during the Dominion War. Crew survivability is further increased by having 58 nine-person ASRV-type escape pods and EMH coverage throughout the entire ship.

Substantially better-armed than the older ships from the 2360s and 2370s, this ship is ideal for patrol missions where light combat is anticipated. In more dangerous areas, Reliant-class ships operate in pairs or trios and are quite capable of handling pirate and raider threats.

(More info found here)

