Task Force 17

From Bravo Fleet
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This article is official Bravo Fleet canon.

Task Force 17 conducts deep space exploratory and diplomatic missions far beyond Federation borders from its headquarters on the edge of charted space, Deep Space 17. As the Fourth Fleet unit tasked with long-range missions of discovery, Task Force 17 has ships deployed in such distant corners of the galaxy as the Delta and Gamma Quadrants. Starships and crews assigned to this task force are specially equipped and trained to operate with little support from Starfleet infrastructure.


  • Manage the operations of Federation ships far from local space, as well as those isolated in the Delta and Gamma Quadrants.
  • Explore deep space beyond Federation territory in the four quadrants.
  • Establish peaceful relations with native species.
  • Expand Federation interests in deep space, including securing friendly trade routes and exchanging in scientific knowledge with other peaceful nations.


'To boldly go where no one has gone before.' These legendary words have long been repeated and paraphrased by successive generations of explorers and scientists seeking to fulfill one of the core mandates of the Federation Starfleet’s philosophy and are etched into the minds of every Starfleet cadet and many Federation citizens. In a time preceded by great galactic strife and conflict, Task Force 17 of the Fourth Fleet seeks to embody those principles once more as Starfleet recovers from the atrocities and existential threats posed by the Dominion War and the attack on Mars, to once again rediscover its sense of wonderment and exploration, and return to exploring the final frontier.

Armed with the same ethos and mandate that guided the historic Constitution-class vessels and their five-year missions of the twenty-third century, Task Force 17 is committed to exploring the farthest reaches of deep space. With unprecedented access to both the Gamma and Delta Quadrants, Starfleet vessels return to not simply protect citizens and defend against ideological threats, but to seek out new life and new civilisations, in whatever form they may be and wherever they may reside. To this end, Task Force 17 has dispatched a number of starships, manned by intrepid Starfleet officers from across the Federation and beyond, to make this foray into the unknown.

By nature of the enterprise, Task Force 17 vessels very often find themselves alone, operating far from the vestiges of Federation society or Starfleet support, relying strongly on their guile, character, and one another to survive and flourish in an uncertain and often inhospitable galaxy of unknowns. The voyages of these brave officers will become legendary as they chart new frontiers beyond what is already known by the Federation. Each new discovery will be worthwhile and exciting for generations to come.

Task Force Assets and Headquarters

While Task Force 17 regularly dispatches starships to deep space assignments far from Starfleet infrastructure, it launches and manages these operations from its headquarters at Deep Space 17 in the Typhon Frontier. More distant missions are supervised from the flagship, the USS Discovery. As with other Fourth Fleet task forces, ships operating in other regions rely heavily on local facilities to see to their wide-ranging duties.

Task Force Composition

Task Force 17 is comprised of two task groups, each with several starships assigned to them and conducting a wide variety of missions.

Task Group 9

Task Group 38

Task Force History

Being one of the Fourth Fleet's many exploration arms, primarily focused in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, when Starfleet decided to redeploy the assets from Task Force 9 and Task Force 38 into one centralised task force then Task Force 17 was the logical decision. In 2399, Task Force 17 was handed all of the fourth fleet's deep space exploration assignments and assets. The handover was relatively simple and smooth sailing, but Starfleet was keen to reestablish a long term presence in the Delta Quadrant. When command of the task force was given to Captain (later Commodore) Bennet, the creation of the lead expeditionary group was Starfleet's first step forward in its efforts to return to the Delta Quadrant.

The Archanis Campaign

On the eve of Bennet's expeditionary group leaving the Alpha Quadrant, the threat of the Hunters of D'Ghor increased rapidly requiring Starfleet to redeploy elements from the fourth fleet to combat it. As a result the expeditionary group, along with several other ships, were rushed to the area to bolster Starfleet's presence and remove the threat caused by the rogue element from the Klingon Empire. Task Force 17's mandate quickly changed as it was responsible in securing several systems and the assembly of the Archanis Array. Within a matter of days, the ships (all led by Bennet) completed their initial orders and removed the threat of the Hunters and were successful in bringing the new array online. Along with creating an innovative way of monitoring the Klingon-Federation border, the task force's involvement in the campaign was instrumental in removing key players and ships from the Hunters of D'Ghor's fleet. Days after the campaign was declared a victory by Starfleet, Task Force 17 supported in the rebuilding of several key listening outposts along the border and deployment of orbital weapon platforms. Bennet, was promoted to commodore and ordered to return his exploration fleet back to Federation space so it could start its mission in the Delta Quadrant.

Operation: Delta Expedition

A month after the Archanis Campaign, Task Force 17's lead expeditionary group began its exploration efforts in the Delta Quadrant. It's first priorities were to explore what happened to the races that Voyager had left on good terms.

A New Home

As research agreements were made with the Romulan Free State and Starfleet saw fit to launch new missions of exploration in the Typhon Frontier, Task Force 17 undertook rearrangements. No longer making use of the lead expeditionary group, it was headquartered at Deep Space 17 in the Lioh System. From there, it has the freedom to launch missions into the deeper Beta Quadrant as well as the fringes of the Delta Quadrant, and has extensive research opportunities with the Typhon Expanse fresh on its doorstep.