Starbase 415

From Bravo Fleet
Revision as of 17:23, 2 July 2023 by Beckett (talk | contribs)

[[Category:Narendra Class-class]]

Starbase 415 is a Narendra-class starbase located on the border between the Federation and the Talarian Republic. Constructed recently, its primary mission is to serve as a diplomatic hub for managing relations with the Talarians and supporting local research, commerce, and travel. The region has historically been disruptive, with conflicts breaking out between the two powers over the past century, but has recently entered an era of reasonable stability that Starfleet is eager to continue.

A more significant facility might have been constructed, but SB-415 is also one of the nearest Starfleet outposts to the border with the Tholian Assembly. With the Tholian tendency towards territorial xenophobia, Starfleet has built very few permanent facilities near their space, and SB-415 lies a significant number of light-years within Federation territory. Nevertheless, to avoid potential antagonizing, a Narendra-class station was chosen for its more discreet mission profile. This decision appears to have paid off for Starfleet, as the Tholians have indeed shown signs of engaging in one of their occasional bouts of diplomatic outreach. Near to their territory without being strategically threatening, SB-415 makes a suitable hub for any such interactions.

Beyond these diplomatic affairs, the station's operations are reasonably quiet. Any significant Starfleet operations are based out of Avalon Fleet Yards, deeper into Federation territory. But this is still a rugged frontier, where supporting trade, scientific research, and colonization projects is never without its risks. SB-415 is equipped and ready to defend itself against challenges but is strung out on a lonely border - especially if the delicate peace between regional powers wavers.

Notable Crew

Commanding Officers