Bravo Fleet Commanding Officer

From Bravo Fleet
(Redirected from BFCO)
This article is official Bravo Fleet Official Policy.

The Bravo Fleet Commanding Officer (BFCO) is the highest position in Bravo Fleet, serving as chief executive, as well as the chair and a voting member of Bravo Fleet Command. They have far-reaching administrative responsibilities that cover nearly all aspects of Bravo Fleet. With the future interest of the organization in mind, they both lead the membership as a whole and directs the policies and hierarchy of Bravo Fleet. This leader’s far-reaching perspective allows them to consider all of the seemingly disparate services, hierarchies, and other facets of the club when making decisions. Their oversight unifies these different areas into one whole which we call Bravo Fleet.

Authority not clearly delineated or reserved by the Bravo Fleet Charter is reserved for the BFCO. The BFCO sits in 12-month terms which must be renewed by BFC vote. This position is established under Article IV of the Bravo Fleet Charter.

The current Bravo Fleet Commanding Officer is Teylas Ramar.

General Duties

  • Serving as chief executive of Bravo Fleet, with authority defined in the Fleet's Charter;
  • Serving as chair of Bravo Fleet Command;
  • Administering authority over Bravo Fleet's infrastructure and services;
  • Delegating the powers and authority of Bravo Fleet Commanding Officer as-needed;
  • Coordinating contact with other organizations, serving as the Bravo Fleet's diplomatic voice with other clubs.

In Character Role

The BFCO serves as Commanding Officer of the Fourth Fleet, overseeing operations of the entire fleet. During times of peace, the position is largely administrative, however, in combat situations the BFCO can take command from the front lines. The Fourth Fleet Commander reports directly to Starfleet Command and the Chief of Starfleet Operations.

Holders of Office

During the period between 2017 and 2019, the position was divided among three Admiralty members known as the Bravo Fleet Command Council.