Odyssey Squadron

From Bravo Fleet
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[[Category:Fourth Fleet Operations]]

The Odyssey Squadron is a formation centered around the starship USS Odyssey, the prototype of the Odyssey-class explorer. It is currently under the command of Fleet Captain James Preston McCallister. The squadron is assigned as a deep space expeditionary force within the Delta Quadrant. Assembled at the end of 2400, the group was ordered to proceed to the Swallow Nebula region beyond the Gradin Belt. The squadron is assigned directly to Fourth Fleet Operations and not one of the fleet's task forces, it also works closely with the Delta Exploration Initiative. As a result, their main base of operations is located back in the Alpha Quadrant at Starbase 38. Working in tandem with one another, the primary goal of the squadron is to re-explore the areas that the USS Voyager visited during its seven year journey through the distant quadrant.

After spending almost two years in the Delta Quadrant, the crew of the USS Odyssey have become experts in the Gradin Belt area, as such this brings them the experience to explore further. All of the ships assigned under Fleet Captain McCallister are deep space explorers. Each of them are capable of deep space assignments, however working together they support one another to ensure they share resources to complete their mission.


  • Fleet Captain James Preston McCallister (2400+)


  • USS Odyssey - Odyssey-class explorer - the flagship of the squadron, the Odyssey has already established as a presence in the Delta Quadrant after two years. Though almost like a floating small starbase, the Odyssey has the most advanced technology in the fleet and is able to coordinate their work, effortlessly. Alongside all of the extras that comes with the class of ship, the Odyssey will act as the main hospital ship if required. She boasts an impressive sickbay that can provide state of the art medical assistance to anyone in the fleet if required or deal with mass triage.
    • USS Telemachus - Aquarius-class light escort - assigned to the Odyssey since mid-2400, the Telemachus has been assigned to the Cadet Training Unit assigned to the flagship. On occasions, when the cadets are unable to participate in a mission (due to the danger) will a crew from the Odyssey take over.
  • USS Themis - Ross-class explorer - the Themis is a brand new ship, recently built at the Devron Fleet Yards. The Themis contains specialist teams from the Starfleet Corps of Engineers assigned to her to assist in the maintenance of the expeditionary force as well as deal with any other engineering matter that arises during its time in the Delta Quadrant. With her industrial replicators and large cargo bays dedicated to storage for important parts, components and resources, the Themis can extend the lifeline of the squadron while they are so far away from Starfleet. The Themis also has a full squadron of Valkyrie-class fighters. When needed they can provide further defence to the squadron.
  • USS Triton - Luna-class explorer - The Triton has served Starfleet’s Fourth Fleet for many years now. Being a Luna-class, the ship has the most diverse crew in the force, with only one third of the crew being humanoid base. The ship is primarily assigned to scientific missions.
  • USS Bellerophon - Intrepid-class explorer - just like Voyager, Starfleet wanted an Intrepid-class ship to assist with the squadron's explorative efforts. As one of the original ships built back in the 2370s, the vessel received a major overhaul and refit prior to joining the others in the Delta Quadrant.