USS Arcturus

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The USS Arcturus is an Odyssey Class starship assigned to the Fourth Fleet under the command of Captain Michael Lancaster, serving as the flagship for Rear Admiral Elizabeth Hayden's long-duration Delta Quadrant expedition. As a member of the largest class in Starfleet, she has a crew of 2,500 and serves as a mobile base of operation for a flotilla of runabouts and a handful of smaller starships assigned to operations in the Nacene Reach, with the goal of exploring the area first encountered by the starship Voyager in greater detail than was possible during the early days of her journey home. Unlike her sister ships, the Arcturus has been specifically built to command missions of extreme distance and duration, with greater system redundancy and industrial fabrication capabilities than is standard for Odyssey-class ships which are more often used for diplomatic and command duties closer to the Federation.

Design and Layout

Though several other ships of the class had already been built, the construction process was lengthened by the modifications made to both the internal systems and the exterior hull geometry of the Arcturus for her specialized mission parameters, which resulted in a primary hull that was closer in shape to the older Galaxy-class, the elliptical shape allowing for more quarters with viewports and expanded crew support facilities in the primary hull. The secondary hull was also given a rounder shape to accommodate the extra industrial replicator complexes, ship's stores, and a large recreation deck for the secondary hull crew. While the shield and phaser systems were identical to the base class, an additional set of torpedo launchers was added on either side of the main navigational deflector, to provide the ship with enough additional firepower to discourage hostile forces from engaging her.

Deck 12, the widest deck of the primary hull, is home to a broad gallery that runs the perimeter of the exterior, from one impulse engine all the way around to the other. On the interior side are art installations, planters, and quiet spaces for nutrition and relaxation. On the exterior side are lounges that have many windows looking out into space, which are connected directly to the gallery itself. Based on deck ten of the Galaxy-class, this space is designed to give the ship's crew open spaces that would help fight against the natural isolation and claustrophobia that comes from long-duration exploratory missions. Amidships is a large lounge forward, which is located in front of the ship's main promenade, a three-deck open area that includes further biological installations, restaurants staffed by holographic beings, and more open space to help the crew cope with long missions away from starbases by providing a large, open space that mimics a city center.

The Plowman's Tap

Located on Deck 12 directly on the ship's bow, the Plowman's Tap is the largest lounge on the Arcturus and the favored recreational spot for many of the ship's senior officers as well as the ship's queer community, between which there is substantial overlap. The name refers to the constellation containing the star Arcturus: Boötes, which means 'plowman' or 'ox-driver' in Greek. It was selected by the lounge manager assigned to the Arcturus during the final stages of her construction in 2398, Miss Nomer, who enjoyed the innuendo one can find in the name if one looks hard enough. She also liked the irony that stems from the Plowman's Tap having no actual beer taps.

This lounge is twice as large as the forward lounge found on a Galaxy-class ship, with seating for approximately sixty people at maximum capacity. The entry doors to the Plowman's Tap are larger than other doors on the ship and have circular windows, painted blue with gold details. These entrances are to the sides of the bar, which has twenty stools and a commanding view of the rest of the room. Drinks are provided from two replicators behind the bar, flanking a large painting of a bucolic farming scene which prominently features an ox pulling a plow being led by a shirtless man in half-fastened overalls, created by Miss Nomer herself. She's keen to remind patrons that if they don't like it, they know where the nearest airlock is.

Lights are kept lower in the Plowman's Tap than on the rest of the ship, which contributes to a relaxed atmosphere. It's common for crewmembers to gather here for a drink, either by themselves at the bar or in small groups at tables spread throughout the room on three tiers. The furniture other than the bar stools and the bar itself is, in fact, holographic, which allows it to be configured at will to a number of different configurations. On Friday nights, the room is re-arranged to include a stage flanked by cocktail tables for a cabaret-style show put on by Miss Nomer and other drag performers from the crew.

Wait staff is a mix of organic crewmembers (generally operations division yeomen in all-black uniforms which helps distinguish them from other personnel) and holographic waiters, depending on the time of day and the particular event. Miss Nomer is known to have the computer match the waitstaff's outfits to her own, whether she's performing or not.

Auxiliary Craft

Like all Odyssey-class starships, the Arcturus is equipped with a large complement of embarked craft, which include shuttlecraft, runabouts, and two integrated auxiliary vessels.


Shuttles aboard the Arcturus are found in three types, allowing for a wide variety of mission types to be conducted. These shuttles were named by Elizabeth Hayden for famous 20th century jazz musicians while the Arcturus was under her command. Because of her runabout complement, the Arcturus does not embark the larger Type-11 shuttlecraft.

Type-8C Personnel Shuttles

The Type-8C shuttles aboard the Arcturus are nearly identical to the older Type-8 shuttle, with enhanced warp engines.

Type-8C personnel shuttles are the standard shuttle type for most short duration missions, especially ship-to-ground transport missions. They seat up to eight passengers in the rear compartment, with two pilots forward. Functionally identical to the older Type-8 shuttles introduced with the Intrepid-class, the Type-8C has elongated nacelles that incorporate some of the technical advances included in the Odyssey class's engines, increasing their top speed from warp 2.5 to warp 3.

  • #1 - Miles Davis
  • #2 - Duke Ellington
  • #3 - Louis Armstrong
  • #4 - Charlie Parker
  • #5  - John Coltrane
  • #6 - Thelonious Monk
  • #7 - Dizzy Gillespie
  • #8 - Billie Holiday
  • #9 - Count Basie
  • #10 - Lester Young

Type-12 Personnel Shuttles

Type-12 shuttles are useful for longer distance missions that don't require a large crew.

Type-12 personnel shuttles are significantly faster than the other shuttles carried aboard the Arcturus, capable of sustaining warp 7 for missions that take them far from their mothership. They are more cramped, though, and generally are only suitable for carrying two or three people, though they can seat up to six between the small aft compartment and the pilots' stations forward.

  • #11 - Benny Goodman
  • #12 - Art Blakey
  • #13 - Nat King Cole
  • #14 - Ornette Coleman
  • #15 - Max Roach
  • #16 - Coleman Hawkins

Type-18 Shuttlepods

Developed for use aboard the Defiant-class escort, the Type-18 shuttlepod is a small but very survivable vehicle.

Suited for the shortest of journeys, Type-18 Shuttlepods seat two pilots and two passengers. They are used primarily for ship-to-ship transit, or for inspection duties. Due to relatively heavy armor and uprated armaments, they are also considered appropriate for some light-duty tactical missions.

  • #17 - Bill Evans
  • #18 - Keith Jarrett
  • #19 - Wynton Marsalis
  • #20 - Oscar Peterson
  • #21 - Chet Baker
  • #22 - Sarah Vaughan
  • #23 - Freddie Hubbard
  • #24 - Stan Getz

Executive Shuttles

In addition to the six standard Type-12 shuttles carried in the main shuttle bay, two additional uprated Type-12A shuttles are carried in the Executive Vehicle Bay, which is located in the secondary hull between the two forward torpedo launchers beneath the separation plane. They are reserved for the use of the captain or the admiral, and serve the historical nautical purpose of a captain's gig or admiral's yacht, which is the fast and discrete transport of these two vary senior officers. With an even higher top speed, they have been further modified to include a private head, a dining area for two, and a fold-down bunk in the aft compartment.

Captain Lancaster had these two shuttles and the bay holding them built after expressing his dissatisfaction with the Da Jiao. Unique to the Arcturus, the Executive Vehicle Bay was wedged into an area of the ship formerly home to an auxiliary targeting array. It's just large enough to contain the two parking berths for the shuttles, which face inwards towards a vehicle replicator and turn-table. The vehicles are moved into launch position via an overhead tractor beam. Special magnetic latches attach to the underside of the shuttle, which propel it forward through a launch tube to aid in quick deployment. If launched at warp, these shuttles can sustain much higher speeds than they would normally be capable of. They are named after the hero-protagonists of the two Homeric epics, the Odysseus serving Admiral Hayden in a blue-and-gold flag officer's livery, and the Achilles serving Captain Lancaster in standard red markings.

  • #E1 - Achilles
  • #E2 - Odysseus


In her role as an exploratory flagship, the Arcturus uses its fleet of runabouts to conduct scouting missions in support of the ship's own exploratory duties and those of other starships in the area. In order to maximize the amount of area that can be covered at any one time, the ship embarks only the smallest runabouts, the Volga-class, apart from one Waverider-type atmospheric scouting vessel.

Volga-class runabouts

Larger than a shuttle, the Volga-class runabout is still quite compact.

The Volga-class runabout is the smallest runabout in Starfleet's inventory, but it has significant advantages over shuttles in terms of both range and carrying capabilities. A typical scouting mission will involve a crew of six, but they can carry up to twenty people for more involved missions. In an emergency, they can carry up to forty over short distances. Though they are not modular like the older Danube or much larger New Atlantic, their main cabin area behind the cockpit can be reconfigured as needed. The default configuration of the Volgas aboard the Arcturus is optimized for reconnaissance duties. In most circumstances, about half of these runabouts are on away missions at any given time, with one on standby for immediate deployment and the remaining craft either undergoing overhauls or in storage. They are named for rivers in New York, the home state of Elizabeth Hayden, and bear a registry number derived from the mothership's but without the USS prefix assigned to fully independent runabouts.

  • NCC-84000/3 - Hudson
  • NCC-84000/4 - Mohawk
  • NCC-84000/5 - Saint Lawrence
  • NCC-84000/6 - Genesee (Destroyed in 2399)
    • NCC-84000/6A - Genesee
  • NCC-84000/7 - Delaware
  • NCC-84000/8 - Susquehanna
  • NCC-84000/9 - Raquette
  • NCC-84000/10 - Niagara (Destroyed in 2399)
    • NCC-84000/10A - Niagara
  • NCC-84000/11 - Sacandaga
  • NCC-84000/12 - Oswegatchie
  • NCC-84000/13 - Ausable
  • NCC-84000/14 - Allegheny

Waverider-class atmospheric transport

Built for the Nova and Rhode Island-class starships, the Waverider atmospheric transport is a large runabout that handles exceptionally well in atmospheric environments. As it is also warp capable, it is a good all-rounder exploration vehicle. A former science officer, Admiral Hayden requested one of these vessels be detailed to the Arcturus because she foresaw the need for enhanced exploratory support. The original Waverider was destroyed in 2399, during a terrorist incident. Both it and the replacement are named after the musician Ella Fitzgerald.

  • NCC-84000/2 - Ella Fitzgerald - Destroyed, January 2399.
  • NCC-84000/2A - Ella Fitzgerald II

Integrated Auxiliary Vessels

Aquarius-class Light Escort: USS Hokule'a

Like all Odyssey-class starships, the Arcturus is equipped with a stern cradle to store and transport an Aquarius-class light escort. The Arcturus's support vessel is the USS Hokule'a (NCC-84000/1), which is the Hawai'an name for the star Arcturus. This vessel is used for multiple mission profiles including defense of the mothership, scouting and survey missions, transport missions, and other tasks that are too complex for a simple runabout or shuttle to perform. The Hokule'a does not have its own crew and is manned by mothership personnel depending on the particular mission, but a skeleton crew is kept aboard at all times to keep it ready for launch at a moment's notice. When the Arcturus goes to yellow or red alert, a full standby crew is brought aboard to prepare for possible combat operations, under the command of one of the ship's officers of the watch. The Arcturus's Senior Officer of the Watch is the designated captain of the Hokule'a for these sorts of deployments.

Diplomatic Launch: Da Jiao

Similar in function to the captain's yachts found aboard other large starships, the Da Jiao (NCC-84000/15) is a large warp-capable craft intended for diplomatic transport duties and for hosting small conferences. This two deck craft can maintain modest warp speeds and is suitable for system-to-system courier runs, though she is rarely used for this purpose in the Delta Quadrant. Indeed, neither Captain Lancaster nor Admiral Hayden have ever personally used this craft for its intended function, but on two occasions it has served as the anchor of a planet-side research base. Its large size and significant unused internal volume make it ideal for hosting scientific equipment, even if this was not its intended purpose.


Pre-Service History (2394-2399)

Following the destruction of Utopia Planitia in 2385, Starfleet's shipbuilding priorities were thrown into disarray, as a substantial number of the Federation's large shipyards had been temporarily diverted to producing evacuation transports for the Romulan relocation effort, at the expense of larger explorers and dedicated science vessels. In the chaos that resulted from the destabilization and reorganization of the Romulan Star Empire just a few years later, Starfleet began prioritizing vessels that could be assigned to defensive duties and which would be used to maintain the integrity of the Federation's borders. In the mid-2390s, though, certain factions within Starfleet's higher echelons were successful in securing resources to plan a return to long-range exploratory missions, especially those that could be carried out by the newly-built Century and Vesta-class starships which represented new standards in automation, efficiency, and independence. While these vessels were especially well-suited for solo missions in the Alpha and Beta quadrants that would eventually be followed up on by science vessels, the Delta Exploration Initiative pushed for expeditions that would be able to support multiple starships for an extended period in an environment without bases or supply depots.

As such, the Arcturus was ordered in 2394 as an experimental variant of the Odyssey-class which would include greater system redundancy and industrial fabrication capabilities to allow it to serve as a long-range base of operations for an expedition to the Delta Quadrant. As a proof of concept, she would embark on a three-month trial mission through the Barzan Wormhole into the Delta Quadrant starting in early 2399 and accompanied by a task group from the Fourth Fleet's Task Force 38. Even before construction had started, Commodore Elizabeth Hayden was selected as her commanding officer and of the task group. While many construction sites were considered, the Starfleet Corps of Engineers settled on Epsilon Indi Station, to test the feasibility of building large explorers at Starfleet's smaller construction facilities, using modular assembly protocols with individual sections of the ship brought in from other small bases and then integrated at Epsilon Indi, with the eventual goal of reducing the reliance on large fleet yards such as Utopia Planitia.

Construction at Epsilon Indi

Captain Akintoye Okusanya was selected to oversee the design and construction phases for the Arcturus, with the first hull sections beginning construction in early 2395. Construction proceeded without significant issues, and in 2397 Captain Michael Lancaster, the Chief of Staff of the Delta Exploration Initiative, began to develop a crew roster and equipment manifest suitable for the Arcturus's stated three-month trial mission as well as the very real possibility that the ship and those accompanying her would find themselves stranded 70,000 light-years from home and need to make their way back via conventional means, should the wormhole's stability fail. Lancaster was eventually assigned as Hayden's first officer, alongside Okusanya as Captain of Engineering, and a fourth captain to lead the ship's medical department: Captain Alenis Anjar, M.D., both because of the sheer size of the ship's crew and to ensure that there would be a deep bench of command talent to pull from, should one or more of the ship's senior officers be killed during the course of the mission.

Operational History (2399-Present)

The ship's seal, with the Starfleet delta over Arcturus (also known as α Boo), the brightest star in the constellation Boötes, meaning 'plowman.'

Since her launch in early 2399, the Arcturus has served as a front-line exploratory starship, though she has also engaged in significant tactical operations in both the Alpha and Delta quadrants as a result of circumstances rather than intentions.


Shakedown in the Alpha Quadrant
Departure from Epsilon Indi

The Arcturus was launched in early 2399 from Epsilon Indi Station. On the eve of the ship's departure to the Barzan system, the Waverider shuttle carrying the ship's first officer and a handful of other officers on their way to join the crew was hijacked by a Starfleet officer who had become disaffected with Starfleet's return towards pre-Mars shipbuilding levels, which he felt put the population of the Federation at the same risk of the thousands who lost their lives during the attack on Utopia Planitia fourteen years prior. Captain Lancaster and his associates were able to defeat his plot to destroy Epsilon Indi station, and the Arcturus continued on schedule to its mission.

Alpha Quadrant War Games

Prior to departure from Guardian Station in the Alpha Quadrant, the Arcturus engaged in a war game scenario with a wing of destroyers from the Andorian Imperial Guard, at the behest of the Delta Exploration Initiative's leader, Vice Admiral Jonathan Knox. The Andorians were selected as their vessels and tactics were believed to approximate what the Kazon in the Delta Quadrant could have achieved with thirty years of growth since the last time Voyager was present; their largely forward-oriented weapons and high maneuverability would be a substantial threat to a large vessel like the Arcturus. Thanks to the actions of the crew of the Apollo, the Arcturus's battle group won the day, leaving the ship ready to depart with a crew in good spirits from a recent win.

First Delta Quadrant Expedition
Delta Quadrant Katabasis

Proceeding at high warp on a month-long journey from the wormhole towards Ocampa, the Arcturus's first priorities in the Delta Quadrant were to demonstrate their ship's preparedness to operate independently from Starfleet and to document the current conditions in the Delta Quadrant along the 800 light-year corridor connecting the Barzan Wormhole and the area known as the Nacene Reach, to help decided future exploration and diplomatic priorities. During this journey, the Arcturus recovered the wreck of the USS Strickland, a science vessel that had been thrown into the reach due to a warp coil imbalance and which later participated in the stabilization of the Barzan Wormhole.

Ocampan Second Contact

Upon reaching the Ocampa system, the place that Voyager's journey home began, the Arcturus completed a detailed survey and inventory of the remains of the Caretaker's array, finding nearly all of the debris removed entirely from the site, followed by a detailed scan of the Ocampan homeworld. While initially believed to be uninhabited, the Ocampa were eventually revealed to be still living in their subterranean city, using tetryon reactors reverse-engineered from the array. This group of Ocampa believed that their survival was dependent on their isolation and they lived as if they were still being supported by the Caretaker, as his technology was now maintaining their way of life without his direct intervention. Contact was also made with splinter factions of the Ocampa, the two so-far known to exist being a militant isolationist faction which used commandeered and enhanced Kazon vessels to aggressively defend a small number of systems near Ocampa (and to respond to incursions on the Ocampan homeworld) and an exploratory faction who wanted to seek out connections with their neighbors. These ideologically-distinct factions were attributed to the societal development that occurred in the five Ocampan generations that had been born since Voyager left, as fewer Ocampa were willing to subscribe to orthodoxy following the Caretaker's death.

Return to the Wormhole

With second contact and diplomatic relations achieved between the Federation and Ocampa, the Arcturus left a communications relay in orbit connected to a network being deployed by engineering support ships in their group, which the Ocampa shielded with the same technology that allowed their city to remain hidden, and the Arcturus began her journey back towards the wormhole with data from other successful contacts from her task group to report back and to check the results of automated probes left in her wake. Along the way, the Arcturus rendezvoused with the Apollo, which had suffered engine damage during an encounter with the Kazon. With the much smaller ship attached to the Arcturus via magnetic clamps, Arcturus proceeded through the wormhole back to Barzan II.

The Breen Crisis & The Archanis Campaign
Attack on Guardian Station

When the Arcturus emerged, though, Guardian Station was under attack by the Breen. Moments after the Arcturus raised shields and prepared to engage, Admiral Knox's flagship purposefully rammed a Breen dreadnought, vaporizing both ships. The Sovereign-class USS Seleya was burning in space, and the Challenger-class USS Shahid had been destroyed completely. With an investigation underway and a sudden vacuum in leadership in the region, Commodore Hayden was promoted Rear Admiral and ordered to maintain order with a newly-reformulated Task Force 9 along the Breen Border. While it had been permissible for her to command the ship directly as a commodore, her added responsibilities forced her to give up command as an admiral, and Captain Lancaster was promoted to the ship's commanding officer.

The Breen Crisis

Rear Admiral Hayden led from the front, using the Arcturus in several major strike operations against Breen bolt-holes in the coreward Alpha Quadrant, both in retaliation for the death of Admiral Knox and to secure against future Breen attacks in the region. The Arcturus, the Apollo, and six other ships were used to destroy a second Breen dreadnought, which had the desired impact of giving the Breen enough pause to allow Starfleet to reinforce the region, which continues to be volatile. After six weeks on these duties, the Arcturus was relieved by a more combat-oriented vessel.

The Archanis Campaign

Before the Arcturus could return to the Delta Quadrant, she played a brief role in the Archanis Campaign. While the ship itself was only involved in one battle at the end of the campaign, a Hazard Team of officers meant to join the ship before its next trip to the Delta Quadrant was deputized by Fourth Fleet Command to scouting duties. With Admiral Hayden remaining temporarily on Starbase 38 to plan their next expedition into deep space, the Arcturus rendezvoused with her team in the Archanis sector to retrieve several hundred Orion refugees, which she transported into Federation space before heading back to the Barzan Wormhole.

Return to the Delta Quadrant

While Hayden was able to coordinate Starfleet's response to increasing Breen aggression and during the Archanis Campign, once more tactically-suitable vessels were brought into the region, Starfleet refocused its attention to using the Arcturus for its intended purpose: long-range exploration, and so the Arcturus was re-deployed to the Delta Quadrant with a new mandate for a five-year mission with the possibility for indefinite renewal.

Thalruatania and the Tkon-Omega Crisis

The Arcturus made first contact with the Thalruatanians in August of 2399 in an area of space approximately sixty light-years spinward of the course Voyager took through the Nacene Reach. This civilization of four-legged humanoids was notable for being one of the few observed races to have successfully created an ecumenopolis, a city that covered the entire surface of their planet. Their culture was noted for being both communally-oriented with little sense of individual needs or wants, while also being extremely materialistic: old structures were demolished when they outlived their usefulness, paved over to make way for newer, taller structures, which led to their fractured understanding of their own history.

Following this first contact, provisions were made for a follow-up mission to install a subspace relay station in orbit of the planet, which would allow the Thalruatanians to contact the Federation through the Barzan Wormhole. While on course for the next world in her exploratory course, however, the Arcturus detected a substantial quantity of Omega molecules on Thalruatania. Before they could return to the planet to implement the Omega Directive, a small amount of the substance had interacted with the fusion reactor at the base of one of the planet's massive arcologies, resulting in tens of thousands of deaths and moderate subspace distortions around the planet which made navigation and communication through subspace extremely difficult.

Captain Lancaster and Rear Admiral Hayden made the decision to separate the ship, leaving Hayden and the bulk of the ship's complement on the warp-capable saucer far enough away from Thalruatania to allow Hayden to remain in contact with the other ships under her command nearby and to allow them a chance to escape, should Lancaster fail to destroy Omega. When the stardrive section returned to Thalruatania, Lancaster was forced to destroy a Kazon-Reloramar carrier harassing the planet's surface, as the Kazon thought that Omega was a secret weapon. Using the embarked support ship, the captain and a small team were successful in retrieving and neutralizing the remaining Omega from the planet, as the risk to life from using a graviton torpedo was too great. As Omega was being neutralized, however, the Kazon returned in force and Lancaster bluffed that Omega was indeed a weapon and that he would use it if he had to, forcing the Kazon to retreat with minimal casualties on their side.

In possession of a probe from an unknown race but which had significant similarities with Tkon technology, the Arcturus was then tasked along with the rest of the Fourth Fleet with locating nearby Tkon beacons and reactivating them. After the probe was successfully translated, the ship travelled to Eta Torrensis IV, where it located and reactivated the beacon, stored deep within a long-forgotten museum of a dead race. During the course of this mission, the Arcturus engaged in a significant battle with the Kazon, during which a great many ships of the Kazon-Reloramar were destroyed, possibly altering the balance of power in the region. The Arcturus lost two runabouts and the Hokule'a suffered significant damage, with seventeen casualties in total.

Notable Crew

With a crew of over twice the size of the previous largest starship in the fleet (the Galaxy-class explorer) and an extended-duration mission profile, the Arcturus has more senior officers than most other starships, with a command structure closer to a major starbase than the average explorer. The ship's captain reports to the mission commander.

Commanding Officers

Executive Officers

  • January 2399—March 2399: Captain Michael Lancaster
  • March 2399—December 2399: Captain Iro Rakan
  • January 2400—Present: Captain Larus Alesser