Deep Space 17

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[[Category:Task Force 17]][[Category:Canopus-class starbase-class]]

Deep Space 17 is a Canopus-class station located past the edge of Federation space coreward from the Romulan Free State in the Lioh system. Its primary mission is to support long-range exploratory missions deep into the Beta Quadrant, which are spearheaded by the Fourth Fleet’s Task Force 17. A week away at maximum warp from the nearest major starbase, this is the last way-station for vessels headed towards areas of space never before explored.


The Lioh system was first surveyed in the 2330s, and was noted for having a strangely low amount of both carbon and metal–meaning very very little in the way of rocky bodies like terrestrial planets–but four enormous gas giants orbiting far from a blue giant. As there were no M-class worlds to explore, the system’s file was left untouched for the next sixty-five years. In 2395, Starfleet assessed that the large amounts of deuterium and solar energy would make it the perfect place for a deep-space fueling depot. With the Romulans’ status still in question, it was considered critical to Federation security that an outpost be established from which to launch long-distance scouting missions beyond and around their space.

Starfleet authorized the construction of a Canopus-class station later that year. It was constructed in sections and towed into place, like many deep-space stations, slowly over the next two years, coming online in 2397. Meanwhile, a massive solar power array was constructed to power an anti-deuterium refinery, which would be fed by automated deuterium collection facilities on each of the four gas giants in the system. The energy reserves in this system would be able to sustain deep space operations in the region indefinitely.

Starting in 2399, Starfleet’s turn towards pure exploration was taken up by the Fourth Fleet, and by 2400, Deep Space 17 became the new headquarters for Task Force 17, the fleet’s deep-space exploratory group.