USS Temeraire

From Bravo Fleet
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[[Category:Task Force 47]]

"Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. "
    —Confucius - Ship's Dedication Quote

The USS Temeraire is an Inquiry Class starship assigned to the Fourth Fleet under the command of Captain Tharia sh'Elas. After an inquiry into the disastrous testing of the MARS stealth system aboard the Inquiry-class starship Thesis, Starfleet Command relieved Captain Italia Ruas of her command, opting to merge the crew with that of their aging counterpart, the USS Santa Fe. Whilst undergoing an overhaul, the ship has all traces of the controversial system removed, and is recommissioned with a new name and a new commanding officer. Redesignated as the USS Temeraire, pronounced Tem-uh-rare, the ship’s technological advancements and experienced personnel make her a perfect candidate for a new mission.

Design and Layout

Designed in response to Starfleet's change in emphasis following events of the 2380's, the Inquiry-class is designated as a heavy cruiser. As one of the fastest, most well-armed starships of her size, the Inquiry-class is a design that is quickly becoming commonplace throughout the Federation thanks to the standardisation of the class. Such standardisation has enabled a second 'block' of starships to be commissioned, making use of new technological advancements and upgrades. Temeraire is the fifth of the Block-II vessels to be constructed.

A high degree of automation means that, despite having mission capability on par with the Sovereign, Temeraire has less than half the crew complement. Happily, this ensures a comfortable standard of accommodation throughout the ship, and a variety of recreation facilities.

Bridge, Deck One

Modelled on the successful layout of its older, larger cousin the Sovereign-class, the bridge of the Temeraire has a slightly altered colour scheme and a much changed console layout across the bridge. Making the most of a variety of technological advancements, such as holoprojectors, holographic communications, in-built weapons lockers and three dimensional computer displays in places, the Inquiry-class bridge module is one of the most advanced in the fleet. Perhaps one of its most charming features is the emblem of the United Federation of Planets emblazoned on the carpeting as a constant reminder of all the ship stands for.


Bridge module, USS Temeraire.

In a move away from more recent styles, and harking back to the traditional layouts of yesteryear, the Temeraire has a single center command seat for the commanding officer. Directly head of them, down a few steps and between the commanding officer and the holographic viewscreen, two angled consoles serve as duty stations for Operations (port) and Flight Operations (starboard). Next, and facing into the heart of the bridge to allow maximum participation with the rest of the bridge crew are duty stations for science (port) and tactical operations (starboard). Directly behind the commanding officer, and in a further break from tradition, a combined duty station serves as positioning for the two most senior advisors and assistants to the ship's commander; the Strategic Operations Officer (port) and Executive Officer (starboard). Around the outside of the bridge, there are countless other additional stations. Behind the main science station on the port bulkhead, additional science and medical consoles are available for mission operations, as well as access to life support and environmental controls. Adjacent to them on the starboard bulkhead, mission operations and security stations ensure the continued safety of the ship and crew on a day to day, mission by mission basis. On the aft bulkhead, engineering is the focus. With a large, entirely interactive and customizable master systems display (MSD) and other engineering controls, the representative from engineering has full access to the ship's systems.

Around the command center, four doors provide access to and from the bridge. On the forward port bulkhead, access is available to the observation lounge, whilst the starboard door grants access to the commanding officer's private ready room (available for use by any officer in command of the ship). At the aft of the bridge, both doors provide access to turbo lifts which enable the crew to access the command center from the rest of the bridge. The starboard turbo lift grants express, overridden access to key locations such as engineering, shuttlebay 1, sickbay, tactical astrometrics and transporter rooms 1 and 2.

Notable Crew

As one of the newer cruiser generation, the Temeraire is home to around 350 personnel from no less than 73 different species and member states of the Federation and beyond. Some of the ship’s more notable crew include:

Commanding Officer: Captain Tharia sh'Elas (Andorian Female)
Executive Officer: Commander Vasoch Gor (Tellarite Male)
Strategic Operations Officer: Lieutenant Commander T'Prynn (Vulcan Female)
Chief Medical Officer: Lieutenant Commander Zinn (Deltan Male)
Chief Flight Operations Officer: Lieutenant Dante Rawlings (Terran Male)
Chief Science Officer: Lieutenant Akaria Okan (Risian Female)
Chief Tactical Operations Officer: Lieutenant Noli Auru (Bajoran Female)
Chief Operations Officer: Lieutenant Linn Mora (Bolian Male)
Chief Engineering Officer: Lieutenant Prida Rala (Bajoran-Cardassian Hybrid Female)
Counsellor: Lieutenant J.G. Vittoria Chiera (Betazoid Female)

Deck Layout

Deck Description
1 Bridge, Captain's Ready Room, Observation/Conference Lounge
2 CO's Quarters, XO's Quarters and Office, Enlisted Affairs Office, Emergency Batteries, Weapons Locker
3 Mess Hall, Senior Officer Quarters, Aft Viewing Lounge, Communications Array, Officers' Quarters, Gymnasium
4 Officer Quarters, Crew Quarters, VIP Quarters, Transporter Rooms 1 & 2, Emergency Batteries, Chief Operations Officer's Office
5 Security Offices, Brig, Armoury 1, Security Training Facilities, CIO's Office, Aft Tactical Sensors, Crew Quarters, Holodecks 1 & 2, Cargo Bay 1
6 Main Computer Core (Level 1), Main Computer Core Control, Flight Control Room 1, Science Labs, Arboretum, Diplomatic Facilities, Civilian Quarters, Crew Quarters, Holodecks 3 & 4, Main Shuttlebay (Upper Level)
7 Main Computer Core (Level 2), Main Shuttlebay Flight Deck, Tactical Astrometrics/Stellar Cartography, Main Science Lab, CSO's Office, Counsellor's Office, Hydroponics Bay, Ship's Library, Civilian Quarters, School, Officer's Mess, Main Sickbay and Medical Facility, CMO's Office
8 Main Computer Core (Level 3), Impulse Assembly, Weapons Locker, Engineering Lab, Shuttlebay Elevators, Upper Shuttle Maintenance & Storage, Forward Tactical Sensors
9 Main Computer Core (Level 4), Impulse Engines, Warp Core Subsystems, Lower Shuttle Maintenance & Storage, Dorsal Docking Port, Emergency Transporters, Crew Quarters
10 Impulse Assembly, Deuterium Injectors, Shuttle Repair & Machine Shop, Engineering Support Area, Industrial Replicators, Armoury 2, Crew Quarters, Holodecks 5 & 6, Primary Environmental Control, Cargo Bays 2-5
11 Auxiliary Deflector Controls, Shuttle Elevator Assembly, Airlock, Crew Quarters, Transporter Rooms 3 & 4, Airlocks, RCS Thrusters, Secondary Stores, Secondary shuttlebay (upper)
12 Auxiliary Deflector Array, Primary SIF/IDF/Shield Generators, Systems Support Compartment, Maintenance Bay 1, Secondary shuttle bay (lower)
13 Torpedo Turrets Access, Torpedo Storage, Main Sensor Array, Deuterium Tanks, Science Labs, Crew Mess Hall (Aft), Maintenance Bay 2, Shuttle Storage
14 Deuterium Tanks, Flight Control Room 2, Turbolift Maintenance, Crew quarters
15 Captain's Yacht Access, Secondary Computer Core (Level 1), Weapons Locker, Transporter Room 5, Cargo Bays 6 & 7, Tertiary Stores
16 Secondary Computer Core (Level 2), Reserve Antimatter Storage, Main Navigational Deflector, Deflector Control, Main Engineering, Chief Engineer's Office, Weapons Locker, Warp Nacelle Access, Cargo Bays 8 & 9, Emergency Transporters, Auxiliary Sickbay, Secondary Computer Core (Level 3), Aft Sensor Array, Deflector Assembly, Secondary Plasma Vent, Emergency Transporters
17 Deflector Assembly, Auxiliary SIF/IDF/Shield Generators, Multi-purpose Chamber (Upper), Crew Quarters, Auxiliary Bridge, Lateral Sensors, Secondary Communications Array, Emergency Batteries, Complementary Deflector Assembly, Multi-purpose Chamber (Lower), Primary Stores, Forward Torpedo Launchers (2), Torpedo Magazine, Probe Storage, Primary Communications Array, Tractor Beam Assembly, Turbolift Maintenance. Primary Waste Reclamation
18 Antimatter Storage Pods, Forward Tractor Beam Emitter, Secondary SIF/IDF/Shield Generators, Cargo Bay 10 (Upper), Secondary Stores Antimatter Generator, Torpedo Magazine, Maintenance Bay 3, Cargo Bay 10 (Lower), Secondary Waste Reclamation, Secondary Environmental Control, Tractor Beam Assembly, Antimatter Generator, Antimatter Injectors, Secondary Sensor Array, Sensor Analysis Suite, Aft Tractor Beam Emitter, Aft Torpedo Launchers (2), Torpedo Magazine, Warp Core Jettison Hatch

History of the USS Temeraire

USS Temeraire In play

  • Temeraire was formally known as Thesis, with her name changed as part of her new look following an inquiry that saw her previous commander removed from command.
  • Previously cordial relations have turned sour as the Thesis crew resent those from the Santa Fe who have transferred in and took their jobs, replacing respected crew mates (including the captain).
  • Temeraire is one of the first vessels, in-character, to be assigned to Task Force 47 and will add strength to the new diplomatic and exploration focused pathfinder group.