USS Heracles (NCC-80555)

From Bravo Fleet

[[Category:Task Force 72]]

The USS Heracles is an Argonaut-class starship assigned to Task Force 72. It is currently under the command of Captain Vausees Vax.


Starbase 11

Establish a Federation presence by patrolling the space between the Cardassian and Klingon borders. USS Heracles ended up finding out about a deep corruption; between a Federation Captain Munez and a Vice Admiral Bettencourt. Both ended up being brought up on charges of Treason.

Archanis Operations

USS Heracles is ordered to the Federation-Klingon border in response to a rogue Klingon faction known as “The Hunters of D’Ghor”. USS Heracles responds to a distress beacon on Archanis V, where the local populous was bombarded by a D’Ghor fleet from orbit. While on the surface the USS Heracles is assaulted by a smaller fleet of D’Ghor ships and is forced to flee to DS K-7 while the ship’s Captain, Vausees Vax, and an away team led by her are stranded on the surface. During which they are assaulted by a D’Ghor ground force that has transported to the surface. While the defenders fought the D'Ghor from the rooftop, Vausees and Zyvia headed down to the second floor of the building. While defending the second floor from the D'Ghor a lone Klingon announced himself to be the Commander of the ground forces and a Captain for the Hunters of D'Ghor, named Atsak Runtoh of house Runtoh. A short time later the Klingon Captain transported off the planet after Vausees warned him.