Arcturus Squadron

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Arcturus Squadron is a formation centered around the starship Arcturus, an Odyssey-class heavy explorer. The ships in this squadron spent the majority of 2399 and 2400 in the Delta Quadrant, and it is now headquartered at Olympia Station on the far edge of the Alpha Quadrant. This squadron is assigned directly to Fourth Fleet Operations and not one of the fleet's task forces. The starships assigned to this squadron complement and support one another, but generally operate several days away from each other at high warp at the closest.


Task Forces 38 & 9 (2399)

Arcturus Squadron was first constituted on the commissioning of the USS Arcturus, under the command of then-Commodore Elizabeth Hayden in 2399. Initially assigned to Task Force 38, the squadron performed initial surveys of the Nacene Reach. When returning to the Alpha Quadrant for debriefing later that year, the squadron participated in the Battle of Barzan II, during which the Breen killed Vice Admiral Jonathan Knox and sparked renewed border tensions between the two powers.

Commodore Hayden was promoted to Rear Admiral and ordered to lead a newly reformed Task Force 9 in interdiction and frontier security efforts, with Arcturus Squadron continuing to serve as her vanguard.

Fourth Fleet Operations (2399 to Present)

Starting in mid-2399, Arcturus Squadron was assigned directly to the Headquarters Division of Fourth Fleet Operations and participated in both the Archanis and Tkon-Omega Campaigns. For the first half of 2400, Admiral Hayden was teaching at Starfleet Academy, and the squadron was temporarily led by the flagship's captain, Captain Michael Lancaster, during its participation in the Century Storm Campaign, though she returned by the time of the Blood Dilithium Campaign at the end of that year.

Overall command of the squadron and the station were transferred to Commodore Brett Logan, effective Stardate 2401.1, as Vice Admiral Hayden took her post as commandant of the Fourth Fleet's Academy. Arcturus Squadron was assigned to commence detailed surveys of the Talvath Expanse coreward of the Romulan Free State, with the addition of the Antares and Achilles to accompany Arcturus and Apollo, with their operations coordinated through Deep Space 17. Commodore Logan was relieved on Stardate 2401.2, with a permanent replacement not named before Arcturus Squadron was committed to the Lost Fleet campaign. Following a battle with Breen, Dominion, and Ferengi forces on Stardate 2401.3, Captain Lancaster was promoted to fleet captain by Admiral Liam Dahlgren and given formal command of the squadron.

On Stardate 2401.4, Arcturus Squadron was directed to Olympia Station in the rimward, trailing edge of Federation space in the Alpha Quadrant.



As of 2401, Arcturus Squadron is currently composed of five starships, a heavy explorer supported by two light cruisers, a light explorer, and her own embarked escort. The composition of the squadron is optimized for general exploratory duties, with specific emphasis on long-range reconnaissance to help the Federation find new allies and identify potential threats beyond its borders. ArcturusSquadron2401-4.png

USS Arcturus

USS Arcturus
USS Arcturus is an Odyssey-class heavy explorer and flagship of the squadron. Arcturus is equipped to resupply her squadron-mates for extended periods of time, while also providing recreation and medical support for their crews, which further enhances their collective range. Arcturus also regularly launches runabout and shuttle missions. Arcturus is under the direct command of Fleet Captain Michael Lancaster.

USS Hokule'a

USS Hokule'a is an Aquarius-class escort. Hokule'a is attached directly to Arcturus in a quite literal sense as the flagship's embarked escort. She is used for short-duration independent survey operations and has frequently been used as a planet-side base for scientific surveys.

USS Achilles

USS Achilles is an Echelon-class light cruiser. Providing engineering support to the squadron, the Achilles carries a Starfleet Corps of Engineering team. The Achilles is under the command of Captain Marcus Bancroft.

USS Apollo

USS Apollo is a Duderstadt-class light cruiser. Configured as a scout-cruiser, Apollo performs adds exceptional long-range sensors to the squadron, performing both reconnaissance and scientific functions. She is currently under the command of Captain Sean Gaudain, who also commanded her predecessor.

USS Antares

USS Antares is an Intrepid-class light explorer. Antares serves a variety of functions within the squadron, as she is equipped both to scout out systems in advance of Arcturus or to perform first contact missions with civilizations identified by Apollo. She is currently under the command of Captain Noah Armstrong and was assigned to the squadron in early 2401 following an extensive mid-life refit.


Deep Space 20


Arcturus Squadron is headquartered at Olympia Station, on the furthest rimward edge of the Federation's territory in the Alpha Quadrant. This Spacedock-class starbase has been tasked with studying the surrounding Olympia sector for future Federation colonization and provides engineering and exploratory support to Arcturus Squadron and other Fourth Fleet vessels.

USS Nellie Bly

The USS Nellie Bly is a Challenger-class scout assigned directly to support Olympia Station. Normally, she falls under the purview of the station's commander directly, but in situations requiring a full fleet response, she would become part of Arcturus Squadron.

Former Elements

Before March 2401, Overwatch Station and the ex-USS Apollo were both components of Arcturus Squadron. The Rhode Island-class scout Apollo was replaced by a new Duderstadt-class light cruiser bearing the same name, and the squadron's mission shifted to make a fixed port of call unnecessary.

Ex-USS Apollo

USS Apollo was a Rhode Island-class scout assigned to the squadron from 2399 through 2401. Apollo scouted ahead of the squadron, using her high top speed and powerful sensors to identify possible first contact opportunities and catalog threats. Generally, she did not conduct first contacts herself, but standard squadron doctrine was to assign the Apollo to first contacts where peaceful intent could not be established in advance, since she had the smallest crew within the squadron. She was under the command of Captain Sean Gaudain. She was decommissioned in 2401.

Overwatch Station

Overwatch Station was briefly under the auspices of Arcturus Squadron in 2401. This scientific facility provides long-range reconnaissance data, and one of the squadron's secondary responsibilities was protecting this unarmed station. There is a regular stream of freighters from deeper in Federation space bringing materials for the ongoing construction of the Daren Subspace Radio Telescope, but this is generally a quite isolated outpost.