USS Hathaway

From Bravo Fleet

"Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire."
    —Jennifer Lee - Ship's Dedication Quote

Third in the lineage of vessels to bear the name, the USS Hathaway NCC-92904 (Sagan-class) is a highly versatile, state-of-the-art exploration vessel widely considered to be one of the most advanced starships in the service of the Federation. The immediate successor to the Nebula-class USS Hathaway lost during exploration operations in the Gamma Quadrant, the current iteration is fresh out of the shipyards at Starbase Bravo and is currently assigned to Task Force 17 under the command of Captain Vasoch Gor.

Looking to make a name for themselves in the annals of history, the crew are a mixture of fresh-faced youngsters excelling in their fields of study, and wily veterans looking for an opportunity to cement their legacies. With the ship currently operating out of Deep Space 17 in the Typhon Frontier, she is tasked with exploring an area of space ripe for scientific exploration and missions of a first-contact nature.

Into the Expanse

2401 - Into the Expanse

With her construction and subsequent shakedown cruise complete, a skeleton crew transferred Hathaway from Starbase Bravo to Deep Space 17, where a new commanding officer was appointed by CAPT Romaes Anjin, TFXO for TF17. After a hiatus which saw him take leave on multiple worlds, a chance encounter saw the Tellarite, Vasoch Gor, re-evaluate his choice to leave Starfleet. Negotiations with Romaes saw the man rewarded for his years of dedication and experience with his first permanent command aboard Hathaway.

However, a number of weeks into this new assignment, a mysterious figure arrived aboard Hathaway, citing information regarding a conspiracy within Starfleet's highest offices.

Commanding Officer Lineage

In the time since her construction, and prior to the assignment of Captain Gor, Proxima has been privileged to have three commanding officers overseeing her tours of duty, and one Captain of Engineering overseeing her construction.

  • 2386 - 2389: Captain Nilani Azulas, (Trill Female)
  • 2389 - 2390: Captain Mitchell Hanson, (Human Male)
  • 2390 - 2395: Captain Colby Drayton, (Human Male)
  • 2395 - 2401: Captain Leandra Nunez, (Human Female)
  • 2401 - Present: Captain Vasoch Gor, (Tellarite Male)

Technical Configuration

Main Article: Sagan-class Light Explorer

Key Location Data

With 24 decks, the ship has hundreds of rooms and locations that serve a variety of purposes for the crew. Some of the more notable locations include:


Main Bridge; command center for the USS Hathaway

A reflection of the time period she was created, the Sagan-class polished steel and cool metal fixtures of the bridge aesthetics bring back memories of years gone by, her design blending modern technological advancements with the nostalgia of eras long gone. It is a functional, yet aesthetically pleasing facility designed in a similar vein to the rest of the ship. Her greatest feature is a wide-angled window which fills the forward bulkhead. This window has holographic projectors built into the rim, giving it the ability to function as a more traditional viewscreen. It can also be used as an emergency evacuation hatch, with forcefields being lowered until replaced by a large, external bulkhead.

Dominating the heart of the command center, three command chairs made of red leather sit atop the central platform, surrounded by rails and steps to the lower levels of the bridge. As is tradition, the center seat and its controls are reserved for the commanding officer, or any directly appointed officer in command during her absence. To her right, the executive officer and, to her left, a third seat is generally reserved for the use of the ship's Counsellor, Chief Medical Officer or any official or dignitary the Captain sees fit. All three of the chairs have built-in controls on the armrests, enabling the occupying officers to conduct their duties with unprecedented access to a wide variety of ship systems.

At the foot of the stairs directly ahead (or to the side) of the command platform, two angled consoles serve as duty stations for operations (port) and flight operations (starboard). A few feet from each, two stand-alone consoles provide auxiliary station access for any purpose required (such as communications, environmental control, mission operations etc). On the port side bulkhead, three large stations dedicated to tactical operations provide access to the ship's defensive and offensive systems, whilst the starboard bulkhead is dedicated to the various science departments on the ship.

Aft of the bridge, there are two additional consoles behind the command platform designated for medical use (port) and engineering (starboard), allowing the engineer on duty access to the same engineering systems as in main engineering itself, including access to environmental controls, propulsion systems and the warp core. Central to the aft bulkhead, open access is granted to the observation lounge, which is sealable by emergency bulkheads and forcefields.

Observation Lounge; a meeting place and workspace.

Observation Lounge

A beautifully designed room, the observation lounge matches the aesthetic of the rest of the ship, with polished alloys and cool metals as the material of choice during construction. The room is dominated by a large table with holographic controls which is particularly useful for briefings and has seating for up to 10 officers. The Captain traditionally sits closest to the wall-mounted display on the starboard bulkhead. There are several shelves with ornaments and models of previous ships called Hathaway, as well as the original [[Constellation Class|Constellation-class] ship plaque. An additional door provides access from the port bulkhead.

The observation lounge operates an open-door policy and, in the absence of a more traditional ready room attached to the bridge, the Captain often uses the observation lounge as a workspace so that they do not have to return to their quarters.

Strategic Operations Suite - StratOps

Strategic Operations suite, or StratOps

Most notably, and an exciting feature for inclusion, the bridge has been set back a short distance to allow for an additional facility. Separated from the rest of the bridge by two steps and a railing, the new Strategic Operations suite (known colloquially as StratOps) allows the crew to deal with any scenario that may arise in their mission, without the need to access more specialised facilities around the ship unless absolutely necessary or appropriate. Missions are routinely monitored here, and additional personnel from across the ship may be assigned on a needs basis, such as additional medical or science personnel when evacuating a colony or dealing with an anomaly; security may be beefed up from here in the event of a tactical scenario such as an intruder alert or boarding action; intelligence, strategic operations and command analysts are likely to use the space to provide relevant departments with up to date information in ever-changing scenarios. On the back wall, the obligatory Master Systems Display (MSD) is present, but this is a fully customisable display, capable of hundreds of functions, including operating as a reduced viewscreen for mission operations. Most significantly, the space allows for the crew to react to an evolving situation without the need to retreat to the observation lounge.

Auxiliary Craft


As a Sagan-class starship with four shuttlebays of varying size, Hathaway is capable of housing a large contingent of auxiliary craft. The deployment and organisation of such craft has always been at the discretion of the commanding officer, and as such, Captain Gor has used Hathaway's mission profile to reduce the number of personnel shuttles and runabouts to make room for a squadron of Valkyrie-class Starfighters in the lower shuttlebays. Codenamed the Hellhounds, this small squadron is capable of conducting a range of operations in support of Hathaway's main mission objectives.