Orion Colonies

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The Orion Colonies consists of an area of space encompassing several dozen stars. Among them are fourteen inhabitable systems. Formerly called the "Borderlands," the Orion Colonies was once an area of wild space between the United Federation of Planets and the Klingon Empire.

Largely subsumed by those two powers by the end of the twenty-fourth century, the Orion Colonies retain a distinct flavor from both the Klingon Empire and the Federation. These worlds are what remain of what was once a much larger string of Orion colonies and settlements. In ancient Antiquity, these star systems made up the core worlds of successive Orion Empires.

Associated Worlds

The Orion Colonies straddle both Federation and Klingon space and the Orions no longer value the idea of a cohesive "Orion State." A "member" of the Orion Colonies is a misnomer- it only means that it is a star system that falls within this area of space. These worlds, thousands of years ago, were under a series of common governments.

Orion (Beta Orionis IV)

Orion is considered to be the original homeworld of the Orion species and is governed by the Orion Free States. An independent world, Orion did not have a unified world government until the 2370s, although an international organisation known as the Orion Union - comprised of the majority of Orion's nation states - had existed since at least the 22nd century. Like its predecessor, the Orion Free States places a strong emphasis on its own independence and diplomatic neutrality in interplanetary affairs. It was not until 2375, after the formation of the Orion Free States, that slavery was officially outlawed on Orion.

Vondem (Beta Orionis II)

Vondem was the first Orion colony established outside of the homeworld. The colony was the preferred location to conduct trade and diplomacy with alien species and governments, and as a result over the centuries developed an acceptance and appreciation for diversity. This created a schism between Vondem and the homeworld nations, which held a much more xenophobic view of aliens, resulting in Vondem eventually declaring itself independent from the homeworld's influence and forming the Vondem Trade Confederacy.

Although illicit trade was still rife on Vondem for centuries, the Trade Confederacy began making reforms that eventually saw them ban slave trade and human trafficking. As trade and diplomatic relations with the Federation improved, largely to due to the Federation's proximity and expansion around Orion space, Vondem eventually applied for Federation membership in the mid-24th century. The membership was ratified by the Federation Council shortly before the Dominion War.

Kolar (Beta Rigel VI)

Kolar is governed by the Kolari Vaj, also known as the Twelfth Orion Empire, and is the last remnant of the Thakolarivaj ("Great Orion Empire") that spanned across the Orion Colonies in antiquity. Kolar has largely resisted the reforms that took place on other Orion worlds and has remained a bastion of ancient Orion culture and traditions. Officially ruled by the monarchy - traditionally headed by an empress - the true power behind the throne in recent times is a class of wealthy elites, many of whom are either directly involved with or have ties to the Orion Syndicate.

Sometimes known as the Jewel of the Orion Colonies due to its vast wealth and opulent cities, Kolar has a highly stratified society with many of its citizens living in poverty and born into slavery. When reforms on Vondem began to impact illicit trade, Kolar became the home of the Orion underworld, allowing the Orion Syndicate to become the most powerful criminal organisation in the colonies. As the Kolari Vaj places few limitations on who may visit their world, a large part of Kolar's economy is fueled by tourism, with many flocking to the planet to view its magnificent architecture, experience its decadent culture and partake in illicit trade.

Botchok (Mu Rigel VIII)

A wild and untamed world, Botchok never experienced the unification or cultural development of the other colonies, and has no centralized government. It remains mostly rural, even after several centuries, with its population divided into thousands of clans living in settlements that are scattered across the planet. With a warm and humid climate consisting of thick jungles, dangerous wildlife and treacherous terrain, the clan settlements are largely insulated from each other. The Botchoki population is oftened considered to be primitive by other Orion cultures.

The planet was occupied by the Klingon Empire in the late 23rd century and incorporated as a subject world. A Klingon station with a garrison of warriors remains in orbit since the occupation, but the Empire interferes very little with the daily life of the population, with the exception of collecting annual tributes from the clans. Not unified, the Botchoki have given little indication of insurrection and the skirmishes that occur usually result from visiting Klingon hunting parties wandering into clan territory.

In Play

  • Slavery:
  • Pheremones:
  • Orion Free Traders:
  • Orion Syndicate:

External Information