USS Denver

From Bravo Fleet
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The USS Denver is a Nebula Class heavy cruiser which has seen decades of Starfleet service. During the Dominion War Denver saw action with the Seventh Fleet under the command of Captain Rebecca Talon.


The USS Denver was launched from the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards on stardate 47760.3 (October 5, 2370) under the command of Captain Micah Fitzpatrick. Fitzpatrick oversaw the final construction of the ship.

During the shakedown cruise to Deep Space 4 the warp core developed hairline fractures along the reaction chamber necessitating ejecting the core. The USS Crazy Horse was dispatched to tow the Denver to Starbase Bravo for repairs.

Following the initial shakedown cruise the Denver was assigned to the Romulan Neutral Zone for the next three years. The tour of duty was mostly uneventful, but Starfleet still considered it a success. The notable exception being an incident in which two Romulan warbirds crossed the Neutral Zone under suspicion of a build up of Starfleet ships. Captain Fitzpatrick was able to negotiate a stand-down in which he was awarded the Christopher Pike Medal of Valor.


Mission One: Flight of the Valkyries

The Seventh Fleet heads for the Tyra System. As part of a 112 ship force Starfleet seeks to confront the Dominion and finally turn a series of losses into a rare victory.

The Seventh Fleet sees early success when they push a small Cardassian force out of the system with little to no resistance. Things however, take a turn for the worst as the Dominion counterstrikes with a massive fleet that completely flanks the Federation Fleet. As the lines break apart the Denver and 11 other Starfleet ships manage to break free, but are pursued by a contingent of Jem’Hadar Attack Ships.

Mission Two: Valhalla

The crew of the Denver take to their new roles and promotions as they mourn their recent death. A small ceremony is held in a small out of the way dive bar on Starbase 75.

As part of the restructuring of the Seventh Fleet the USS Denver is assigned to the 91st Task Force under the command of Captain Nicholas Ryder aboard the USS Tigris.

Mission Three: War is War

TBD Mission in progress

Ships Named Denver

  1. USS Denver (CL-16): was a cruiser with the US Navy commissioned from 1904 to 1931.
  2. USS Denver (CL-58): was a light cruiser with the US Navy during World War II commissioned from 1942 to 1947.
  3. USS Denver (LPD-9): was an amphibious transport dock with the US Navy commissioned from 1968 to 2014.
  4. USS Denver (SSN-851): Was a Seattle-class nuclear fast attack submarine commissioned with the US Navy between 2053 and 2089.
  5. USS Denver (NCC-54927): was a Yorkshire-class transport with Starfleet that was lost on stardate 45587.9.

Timeline of the Dominion War


  • November 19, 2373* - Romulans sign a non-agression pact with the Dominion[1]
  • November 20, 2373 *- Starfleet prepares to mine the Bajoran Wormhole with self-replicating cloaked mines.[1]
  • November 21, 2373 * - A Dominion delegation led by Weyoun attempts diplomatic negotiations to stop the mining of the wormhole[1]
  • November 22, 2373 * - Bajor signs a non-aggression pact with the Dominion. A Dominion and Cardassian fleet attacks Deep Space 9 in an attempt to stop the mining of the wormhole losing over fifty ships. Starfleet officially abandons the station. At Torros III a large Federation/Klingon task force attacks the Dominion shipyards in an early Alliance success. [1]


  • December 2, 2373**- The 7th Fleet is assigned to protect Vulcan.
  • December 5, 2373**- USS Denver (NCC-72016) is assigned to the 7th Fleet.


  • February 10, 2374*- The 7th Fleet attacks the Dominion fleet at Tyra with 112 ships. The USS Denver (NCC-72016)** is one of only fourteen ships to survive the battle. [2]
  • February 11-23, 2374*- Captain Sisko and his senior staff use a captured Jem’Hadar attack ship to destroy the main Alpha Quadrant ketracel-white storage facility deep in Cardassian territory. Their Jem’Hadar ship is badly damaged in the explosion of the facility and they crash land on a planet. After a brief battle with Dominion forces also stranded on the planet they are rescued by General Martok.[3]
  • February 23-24, 2374 - Admiral Ross makes Sisko his adjutant giving command of the Defiant to Lt. Commander Dax. The Defiant is ordered to destroy an observation array near the Argolis Cluster. Damar discovers a way to take down the mines protecting the wormhole. Rom is caught trying to sabotage the deflector array.[4]

MARCH 2374

  • March 25, 2374* - The Federation 3rd and 5th Fleets leave Starbase 375 on heading for Deep Space 9 in "Operation Return". The bloody battle ends with the Dominion taking down the minefield, but ultimate defeat that lead to the Federation retaking the station and the dissaperace of 2,300 Dominion ships with the help of the Prophets.[5]

APRIL 2374

  • April 7, 2374- Jadzia Dax and Worf, Son of Mogh are married.[6]

MAY 2374

  • May 30, 2374 - USS Honshu carrying Gul Dukat and Captain Benjamin Sisko is attacked and destroyed by a wing of Cadassian destroyers while enroute to Starbase 621. Dukat rescues Sisko on a shuttle and lands on a barely habitable planet. The Constellation and Defiant are dispatched to search for survivors.[7]
  • May 31, 2374 - Captain Sisko is rescued by the Defiant from a tip provided by an escaping Gul Dukat.[8]

JUNE 2374

  • June 23, 2374 - The Defiant with the runabout Rubicon investigate a sub-space compression anomaly. During the experiment the Defiant is attacked. Dax, Bashir, and O'Brian exit the anomaly in the Rubicon still shrunk to one-centimeter. On the Defiant Jem’Hadar bred in the Alpha Quadrant take over the ship. This is an early deployment of Alpha Quadrant Jem’Hadar.[9]

JULY 2374

  • July 6, 2374 * - A Cardassian operative contacts Starfleet with the intention of defecting. Commanders Dax and Worf are assigned to the mission. While treking through the jungle on Soukara Jadzia is grievously injured and Worf leaves the operative to be caught and subsequently executed.[10]


  • September 9, 2374*- The Dominion invades Betazed. The planet was conquered in less than 10 hours. The 10th Fleet had been assigned to the planet, but was out of position on a training exercise. [11]
  • September 20, 2374 - A shuttle carrying Senetor Vreenak is destroyed from apparent Dominion sabotage. A Cardassian data rod is discovered in the wreckage detailing an invasion of Romulus by the Dominion.[11]
  • September 21, 2374 - At 08:00 Deep Space 9 time the Romulan Empire declares war on the Dominion. A "Welcome to the War" banquet is scheduled that night in DS9's wardroom.[11]




* = date is an approximate estimation based on dialog. ** = Denver RPG specific lore.


  1. Call to Arms" Kira tells Dax that Odo expressed his love for her a month ago. That exchange took place in episode "Children of Time" which the stardate was established as 50814.2. or October 23, 2373.
  2. ↑ In the episode "A Time to Stand" both Captain Sisko and Gul Dukat state that it has been three months since the Dominion took control of DS9.
  3. ↑ Takes place during the episodes of "A Time to Stand" and "Rocks and Shoals". No stardate given, only "supplemental" in the captain's log.
  4. ↑ In the episode "Behind the lines" Sisko's log establishes the stardate as 51145.3 (February 23, 2374). The end of the episode gives the stardate of 51149.5 (February 24, 2374)
  5. ↑ The episode "You're Cordially Invited" sets the stardate at 51247.5 (April 1, 2374). In his log, Sisko states that they have been back on the station for a week. This doesn’t entirely fit with the dialog in "Favor the Bold" and the dates established by "Behind The Lines" but is is only over about a week. The tie always goes to the established stardate.
  6. ↑ "You Are Cordially Invited" sets the stardate to 51247.5 (April 1, 2374). Worf and Jadzia wish to have the wedding before Alexander ships out at the "end of the week". Work informs his "best men" of the "Path to Kal'Hyah" and that the wedding is in 6 days.
  7. ↑ Established by stardate in the episode "Waltz".
  8. ↑ Established by stardate in "Waltz".
  9. ↑ Stardate of 51474.2 is established in, "One Little Ship".
  10. ↑ In "Change of Heart" the stardate is established as 51597.2 or August 6. Later in the episode Jadzia tells Worf they have been married two months. Both dialog and stardate have chronological issues. I split the difference so episode takes place after "One Little Ship" and before the erroneous stardate. There is zero degree of confidence in this date.
  11. ↑ The episode "In the Pale Moonlight" gives the stardate as 51721.3 (September 21, 2374). In his log Sisko states that this "all started two weeks ago" or on Sept 7.  For fourteen weeks Sisko has been posting the casualty reports on Friday, and both the 7th and 21st are on a Saturday. This means the story begins on September 6, 2374. Some days later Betazed is invaded, and takes place before the second casualty Report (9/13). Garak says that Vreenak will be visiting Cardasia in ten days. That places this conversation and invasion between 9/8 and 9/12. Sisko says he's been dealing with Garak for a week when he meets with Vreenak.  He's on the station at least two days. On September 20th Sisko posts a third casualty report, and Worf immediately reports Vreenak's shuttle has exploded. At the end of the episode Sisko states in his log the Romulans entered the war at "08:00 station time". It is phrased so it only could have happened that morning.