Koruku III

From Bravo Fleet
Revision as of 00:50, 1 August 2021 by Borden (talk | contribs)


The planet Koruku III is an M class in the Koruku system. Currently the planet is classified as a Phase 1 planet, Pre-Space Flight civilisations. As a comparison, Koruku III would be to equivalent to Earth around the years 476–800 ce, or what many would call the Dark Ages.


  • Class: M, bordering on O.
  • System Data: Koruku III has two very small moons, Uäno and Uvor
  • Gravity: 1.1 G
  • Atmosphere: Oxygen-rich atmosphere, higher than average pressure and typically humid, with a powerful greenhouse effect. Oxygen levels aren't high enough to require protective gear, but are sufficient to noticeably affect human emotions and fatigue levels.
  • Hydrosphere: 95% surface water, very diffuse. One oceanic band, with the rest being spread among Koruku III's many wetlands, rivers, lakes, and small inland seas.
  • Climate: Warm to hot, extremely humid. Minimal variation in climate zones, minor but noticeable seasonal variation.
  • Intelligent Life: Koruku (6.3 billion)
  • Culture: Spiritual, agrarian culture with considerable value placed on intelligence and science.
  • Affiliation: Unknown
  • Resources: Rich botanical resources of every kind.