Delta Hedalos Sector

From Bravo Fleet
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The Delta Hedalos Sector is a sector space within the Gradin Belt of the Delta Quadrant. An area of space not truly explored by the Federation until 2399, it is largely open space with numerous uninhabited star systems. The only major power is the Chokuzan Republic. Only one system, outside of the Republic is claimed by another power and that's the the Fornax system by the Kraylor.


For most of the area's history, not much has happened in regards to stellar politics. A long way from the main cluster of spacefaring civilisations, the region is known for being almost barren in the sense that besides the Chokuzan Republic, barely any other sentient lifeform or society has developed.

In 2399, the USS Odyssey, was close to the area as part of its work alongside the Delta Exploration Initiative. While on the far edges of it, the ship detected a distress call from a Kraylor survey ship. The Odyssey also had detected the existence of the Omega molecule. As a result of the latter, Captain McCallister led a solo mission to remove the threat posed by Omega while saving the Kraylor. It was during their rescue of the Kraylor, that Captain McCallister discovered that the Kraylor had a secret research outpost in the area (McCallister was also told the name of the sector given by the Kraylor). This station was studying the omega molecule but they did not know what they were studying. With help from a Kraylor captain, McCallister was informed that a recently formed subspace rupture was caused by the damage caused by an omega molecule being created. The surrounding area to the rupture prevented any subspace field being created.

Notable Locations

Delta Hedalos System

The system that the sector takes it name from and is home to a hyper-giant which is nearly a billion kilometers in circumference and is not expected to go supernova for another one hundred or two hundred years.

Clevari System

Originally visited with the help of Q, the Clevari system is an inhabited system and is part of the Chokuzan Republic. It is one of their systems that many enjoy visiting. Two key planets are Golos Prime and Fekdar. The main star is a Class G Yellow.

Zozek System

Another system claimed by the Chokuzan Republic, the Zozek system was inhabited and has a Class B Blue star.

Fornax System

A yellow dwarf star system with a moon that was Class M. Originaly uninhabited until 2372 when a deep space exploration mission undertaken by the Kraylor, had them set up a secret research outpost. It was established as a frontier base, away from the Annari Empire in their attempt to be able to conduct scientific research to push the Annari away from their homeworld.

Burbidge Cluster

A stellar cluster of four systems, the Burbidge Cluster is uninhabited with a majority of its planets being gas giants.

Honeria Nebula

The Honeria Nebula is a Class 9 nebula.

Taserbus Tadankor Pulsar

A class 4 pulsar.