USS Luna

From Bravo Fleet
Revision as of 01:04, 24 February 2024 by Jefferysimpson (talk | contribs)

The USS Luna is a Luna-class Federation starship. USS Luna is the prototype for her class and currently serves in the Fourth Fleet. Assigned to Task Force 86 under the command of Captain Adriana Cruz. It has been outfitted with some of the most advanced sensors in Starfleet and was initially intended to be a listening ship to pick up pirate comm traffic. As such it has an unusually large intelligence department.

The Luna is currently host to both a Klingon First Officer and a Romulan Republic Advisor since it has been operating in both Klingon and Romulan space.

It departed Starbase 86 and explored The Triangle visiting Federation colony Acamar as a seemingly futile diplomatic gesture before continuing on deeper. It is currently in Romulan space on an exploratory mission.


Main article: Luna Class

Lunar Base: This is the main lounge enjoyed by both officers and crew members alike. It is located on Deck 7. A popular drink is called ‘The Eagle Has Landed’ named after the phrase used my Earth Astronaut Neil Armstrong upon touching down on Earth’s moon.

Arboretum: Located on Deck 7 the arboretum is a collection of plants collected from across the galaxy and cared for by the crew of the Luna. While the mixture of plant life means that it’s not fully familiar to any member of the crew, the collection seems to be complementing each other and provides a natural space on the ship that holodecks can not quite capture.


The New Ship: The new crew takes the USS Luna out for a shakedown cruise into The Triangle and the Romulan Republic.

Notable Crew

Commanding Officers