USS Sausalito

From Bravo Fleet
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The USS Sausalito is a California class utility cruiser and is assigned to Task Force 93 as a support vessel. It is currently under the command of Commander Krolo Alen.


The USS Sausalito was one of several California class cruisers that were commissioned to perform various missions ranging from minor scientific surveys, to medical and engineering support missions, and routine transport assignments.

In 2401, it was assigned to Starbase Bravo, under the command of Commander Krolo Alen and has been running support missions to many different areas of the region.

Command History

As of 2401, the USS Sausalito has only had one commander.

2401 to Present: Commander Krolo Alen


While many of the California class cruisers are set up for one of four variants (Science, Command, Engineering or Medical support) the Sausalito typically runs close to a starbase so that it can be reconfigured to assist in any of these areas. In order to assist in so many areas, the ship has extra large cargo bays, several extra science labs and stations and quarters to accommodate extra science personnel.