USS Pandora

From Bravo Fleet
Revision as of 10:20, 14 October 2023 by McGig (talk | contribs) (Ship went to the archives, so clearing out the command details for whoever claims it next!)
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The USS Pandora is a Luna-class light explorer, assigned to Fourth Fleet.


The Pandora is currently engaged in operations in and around The Triangle, a tumultuous neutral region of space situated between the United Federation of Planets, the Klingon Empire, and the Romulan Republic. With the area's natural phenomena, such as the Azure Nebula, making it challenging to monitor, the Triangle has long been a haven for criminal activities on all scales.

Mission Profile

Pandora has been tasked with solidifying Starfleet's presence in and around The Triangle.

Missions include:

  1. Patrolling the region to deter criminal activity and maintain order.
  2. Establishing and maintaining diplomatic relations with regional powers, including the Klingon Empire and the Romulan Republic.
  3. Conducting scientific research on the Azure Nebula and other local phenomena to better understand their effects on the region.
  4. Providing support and assistance to nearby Starfleet vessels, installations, and personnel.
  5. Providing humanitarian and disaster relief to neutral worlds inside The Triangle that request Federation assistance.


Since its commissioning in 2380 the USS Pandora has been involved in deep-space exploration, diplomacy, and relief efforts.

From 2380 to 2388, the Pandora embarked on a series of deep-space exploration missions, contributing significantly to the scientific community through groundbreaking research on stellar phenomena.

In 2388, Captain Nyx Temple assumed command of USS Pandora. Over the course of Captain Temple's tenure as commanding officer, Pandora embarked on a wide range of scientific, defensive, and intelligence duties following the destruction of Romulus and Remus in 2387.

Captain Arnold Wooten relieved Captain Temple at a ceremony aboard the Pandora in Earth orbit January 4, 2399. Captain Wooten undertook a one-year stellar survey mission. In 2401, Captain Wooten requested early retirement from active duty and Starfleet Command approved his request.

Captain Leland Maddox assumed command of USS Pandora in February 2401 aboard the ship as it was moored at Starbase 86.


A versatile and formidable vessel within the Federation Starfleet, USS Pandora is designed to excel in deep-space exploration, scientific research, and diplomatic missions. Its advanced propulsion systems enable it to achieve a maximum Faster Than Light (FTL) speed of Warp 9.975 for thirty-six hours as well as impressive sublight maneuverability. A cutting-edge sensor suite allows the Luna-class starship to perform high-resolution scans over vast distances, aiding in research and reconnaissance missions. The ship's modular design supports a range of specialized laboratories tailored to several scientific disciplines, facilitating groundbreaking scientific work. The ship also includes a mission swappable pod on its dorsal section for increased scientific capabilities or for additional tactical and reconnaissance suites. Furthermore, Pandora is equipped with potent defensive capabilities, including the Type-XII phaser arrays, torpedo launchers forward and aft that can launch all ordinance currently within Starfleet's arsenal, and a robust regenerative shield system, ensuring the safety of its crew in challenging research environments and confrontations with potential adversaries.

The crew of the Pandora have their own quarters and have access to holodecks, holosuites, and a number of lounges throughout the ship. Pandora has diplomatic suites that can accommodate entire ambassadorial staffs for extended periods.

Notable Crew

Commanding Officers