From Bravo Fleet
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"Io's beauty moves me, for its brilliance is as that of a dream." —Ovid - Ship's Dedication Quote
USS Io (NCC-80105) is one of the Luna-class light explorers commissioned by Starfleet and designated to the Fourth Fleet's Task Force 17, led by Captain Silas Crowe. Following the tradition of its class, the Io is named after one of the moons within the Sol-system.


In the annals of Greek mythology, the tale of Io shines as a beacon of resilience and transformation. Io, a revered priestess, captivated the heart of Zeus. To shield her from the jealous wrath of his wife Hera, Zeus transformed Io into a radiant white heifer. Yet, Hera’s suspicions led her to imprison Io under the watchful eyes of Argus, the giant with a hundred eyes.

Zeus, determined to free Io, dispatched Hermes, the god of cunning and music. With skill and patience, Hermes lulled Argus into eternal sleep, granting Io her freedom. Hera, unrelenting, sent a tormenting gadfly to chase Io across the earth, marking her journey with pain and perseverance.

Io’s relentless wanderings eventually led her to the land of Egypt, where Zeus restored her to her true form. In this new beginning, Io gave birth to Epaphus, heralding a future of greatness.

The story of Io is a testament to the strength and endurance of the human spirit, a saga of overcoming adversity and emerging stronger. May the USS Io, named after Jupiter’s moon Io, named in her honor, embody this enduring legacy as it voyages through the stars, facing challenges with courage and transforming trials into triumphs.