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The Tzenkethi Coalition is an authoritarian state located in the Alpha Quadrant between the [[Ferengi Alliance]] and the [[Talarian Republic]]. Though the name of their nation translates as "coalition." this term refers to the Tzenkethi sense of one-for-all civic behavior rather than a union between smaller state actors. Indeed, there is no distinction between government, religion, and military in Tzenkethi culture, giving them a single-mindedness that both renders their society rigid and inflexible but also capable of great focus on state-identified priorities.
|name=Tzenkethi Coalition
=== Society and Culture ===
[[Category:Alpha Quadrant]]
|founded=21st Century
|warp=21st Century
|leader=Autarch Veritza Rej Tov-AA
|military=Tzenkethi Navy

Revision as of 15:24, 29 March 2021