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===A Piece of Horror===
===A Piece of Horror===
In 2394, Doctor Shrini Pavel of Devol Outpost encountered a trader that was in possession of a massive chunk of a [https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Borg_cube Borg Cube]. After a great deal of negotiation, the good Doctor acquired the chunk for an amount that was oddly lost from the records. The piece of Cube has been kept in Secured Storage within Devol Outpost since that time, undergoing extensive research and experimentation.

Since the Cube has arrived, the researchers and scientists in the Outpost have claimed that there's been odd disturbances and that sometimes they hear noises in the hallway. There's been no evidence to suggest that any of that is true, but the relic has definitely left people on edge.


Revision as of 04:58, 23 November 2023

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"The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom."
    — Isaac Asimov

Candera Prime is an M class planet near the Azure Nebula and the Romulan border. While the planet is habitable, and in the M class range, the United Federation of Planets deemed to unsuitable for a colony world due to it's hostile terrain and low percentage of surface water coverage.

That did not stop the Federation Science Division from establishing several research outposts on the surface to monitor the natural development of the planet, local spacial phenomenon, and other items that were unique to the region. Over the last several years, the most substantial research has come from Devol Outpost on the northern continent, after they acquired a Borg Artifact.



Candera Prime was originally flagged for evaluation in 2261, but it was not until 2289 that the Federation teams actually set foot on the planet. Orbiting in the habitable ring of a Yellow Giant, the planet had the perfect temperate atmosphere and long range scans indicated it would be an excellent place for a colony. That all changed once the teams made it to the surface.

It became clear that the planet had undergone substantial seismic activity during it's formation. While the mantle of the planet had stablized and seismic activity had reduced to a very rarer occurrence, it had left the surface of the planet jagged and rocky. The level of effort to live on the planet would have been far higher than the yield of living there. The Federation was about to mark the planet off entirely, when the Sciences Division stepped up with plans to build secure research facilities on the surface.

Over the next hundred years, that's exactly what happened. Candera Prime is now dotted with over sixty research facilities, and even has a capital city built around the original research station. While the planet is still not fit for general colonization and only boasts a population of 32,455, it has proven to be a unique source of inspiration for researchers and dreamers alike.

A Piece of Horror

In 2394, Doctor Shrini Pavel of Devol Outpost encountered a trader that was in possession of a massive chunk of a Borg Cube. After a great deal of negotiation, the good Doctor acquired the chunk for an amount that was oddly lost from the records. The piece of Cube has been kept in Secured Storage within Devol Outpost since that time, undergoing extensive research and experimentation.

Since the Cube has arrived, the researchers and scientists in the Outpost have claimed that there's been odd disturbances and that sometimes they hear noises in the hallway. There's been no evidence to suggest that any of that is true, but the relic has definitely left people on edge.



Notable Locations

Candera City

Devol Outpost

Notable Groups

Federation Science Labs

Notable figures

Doctor Shrini Pavel

Omega Research and Development

Notable figures

Federation Planetary Coordination

Notable figures