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{{icons|bfc}}{{Task Force
| name = Task Force 93
| name = Task Force 93
| image = [[Image:TF93.png|275px]]
| seal = [[Image:TF93Seal.png]]
| areaofops = Beta Quadrant
| mandate = Humanitarian Operations
| designation = "S.E.A.R.C.H."
| headquarters = [[Starbase 93]]
| url = [http://www.bravofleet.com/group/task-force-93/ Main Link]
| url = [http://www.bravofleet.com/group/task-force-93/ Main Link]
|rsburl= [https://forum.bravofleet.com/forum/task-forces/task-force-93 Task Force 93]
| co = [[bfms char:25776|CDRE Imya Jori]]
| sims = [http://www.bravofleet.com/group/task-force-93/operations-group/ Operations Task Group]
| xo = [[bfms char:132001|CAPT Octavian Jackson]]
|rsburl=[https://forum.bravofleet.com/forum/task-forces/task-force-93 Forum Link]
| logo = [[Image:TF93.png]]
|co={{Staff|co93}} ({{Staff|co93-u}})
}}'''Task Force 93''' is the Fourth Fleet's designated humanitarian operations unit. Based out of [[Starbase 93]] on the border to the old [[Romulan Neutral Zone]], this task force is tasked with providing humanitarian support and protection to struggling regions of the galaxy. While this includes protection from predatory factions, Task Force 93 aids worlds devastated by natural disasters or violence, and treats with local and major powers to coordinate this assistance.
|xo={{Staff|xo93}} ({{Staff|xo93-u}})

*'''Monitor''' the area of space formerly known as [[ma:Romulan Neutral Zone|Romulan Neutral Zone]], the activities of the [[Romulan Star Empire]] and its breakaway governments due the destabilized government following the Romulan Supernova
*'''Safeguard & Rebuild''' the systems along the border of Federation space and the former [[ma:Romulan Neutral Zone|Romulan Neutral Zone]]
*'''Rebuild''' Starfleet’s along the Romulan border which has been greatly reduced following the abandoned rescue effort
*'''Protect''' Federations assets, citizens and borders from any Romulan separated factions incursions, Fenris Rangers and any independent uprising within the former Neutral Zone.

=Current State of Affairs=
*'''Assist''' the rebuilding of cultures ravaged by natural or political disasters
*'''Protect''' isolated worlds from predatory factions
*'''Monitor''' the old Neutral Zone to bring safety and support to abandoned peoples
*'''Preserve''' the stability of chaotic regions across the Federation border

:''See also [[:Category:Task Force 93 Intelligence|Task Force 93 Intelligence Reports]]''

==Romulan Star Empire==
For the last decade and a half, Task Force 93 has served as a humanitarian and peacekeeping force along the Romulan border. Following the hypernova of 2387, it was tasked with securing the former Neutral Zone, protecting Federation interests in the Beta Quadrant. Worlds have been abandoned by the Federation and [[Romulan Factions]] alike, left to fend for themselves against the ravages of regional dangers, fledgling and weak infrastructures, and natural disasters. With the [[Fourth Fleet]]'s repurposing with a galactic mandate, it was deemed Task Force 93 to take this skill and expertise to all troubled corners of the galaxy.

:''Main Article: [[Romulan Star Empire]], [[Romulan Republic]]  and [[Romulan Free State]]''
Recent years have seen many powers withdrawing their support to many regions as they reinforce the borders they can protect. In their wake are worlds vulnerable to regional piracy or exploitation by other powers, worlds forced to rebuild governance and infrastructure from scratch, and worlds lacking any support should the worst happen. Be they independent or answering to a higher government, Federation or otherwise, the support that now arrives fastest is from Task Force 93.

In the events following the Romulan Supernova that eradicated [https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Romulus Romulus] and [https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Remus Remus], the [[Romulan Star Empire]] seperated into three major factions viying for control of known Romulan Space; the Romulan Star Empire, the Romulan Free State and the Romulan Republic.The United Federation of Planets has not sided with any major faction and does not actively get involved with internal Romulan politics.
This work is more than bringing blankets. It takes engaging with communities to meet their needs, navigating fraught diplomacy with local leaders and their conflicting priorities, and providing protection from opportunistic pirates that might see such a world ripe for the taking, or nearby powers that might see them ripe for seizing. Across the galaxy are worlds that have been chewed up and spat out by one government or another. To some, Task Force 93 is a welcome helping hand. To others, a necessary shield.
*Currently the [[Romulan Star Empire]] controls the bulk of the Romulan Star Navy, lead by the Romulan Preator and Senate, governed out of Rator III.
*The [[Romulan Free State]] is supported by the Tal Shiar and mainly operates from and abandoned Borg cube known locally as 'the Artifact'
*The [[Romulan Republic]] is set up as a democratic nation, led by former members of the Romulan - Vulcan Reunification movement. They control thier interests with a smaller, more modern faction of the Star Navy
==Klingon Empire==
:''Main Articles: [[Klingon Empire]] and [[House of Mo'Kai]]''
The Klingon Empire, in partnership with Starfleet, has defeated the insurgency known as the [[Sovereignty of Kahless]]. Though the alliance between the Federation and the Klingon Empire remains strong, there are many who recall the era when T'Kuvma united the Klingon Houses in a glorious campaign of conquest. The House of Mo'Kai, increasingly disenchanted with the rulers of the Klingon Empire, sought a return to the old ways. They took in the surviving ships of the Sovereignty and any warrior swayed by their propaganda.  
Mo’Kai intelligence operatives conducted covert attacks against the Empire and the Federation, including cyber operations, assassinations, and terrorist bombings. Its fanatical followers continue to subvert the security of the region. Raids and attacks within Klingon space and on Federation targets near the border are not uncommon, and though credit is rarely taken, there is usually sufficient evidence to attribute responsibility to House Mo’Kai.
The Klingon Empire acknowledges that Mo’Kai is a problem, but maintains it is an internal problem that they will solve themselves. The Federation and Starfleet are applying pressure to the High Council to solve this quickly and/or accept Starfleet assistance.
==Other Species and Powers==
[[File:Alpha-Beta-Quadrant-Map-2017.jpg |250px|right|link=Special:FilePath/Alpha-Beta-Quadrant-Map-2017.jpg]]
:''Main Article: [[:Category:Beta Quadrant Powers|List of Powers in the Beta Quadrant]]''
The area is controlled by various great powers such as the [[Federation]], [[Romulan Star Empire]], [[Romulan Free State]], [[Romulan Republic]], [[Klingon Empire]] and the [[Gorn Hegemony]].
=Theater of Operations=
:''Main Article: [[:Category:Beta Quadrant Astrometrics Database|Beta Quadrant Astrometrics Database]]''
==Points of Interest==
* '''[[Qo'noS]]'''
* '''[[Rator III]]'''
* '''[[ma:Romulan Neutral Zone|Romulan Neutral Zone]]'''
* '''[[T'Met]]'''
* '''[[New Romulus]]'''

==Task Force Assets and Headquarters==
==Task Force Assets and Headquarters==
:''For a complete list of assets, please review [[Task Force 93 Assets]]''
===Devron Fleet Yards===
:''Main Article: [[Devron Fleet Yards]]''

Devron Fleet Yards is a Starfleet Shipyard located in the Devron System of the Beta Quadrant. Devron was originally ordered for construction by Starfleet Command as a quick service and locally positioned Fleet Yards closer to the Romulan System to assist and support the mass evacuation effort.
While Task Force 93 supports border operations across the Federation, it manages these duties from its headquarters at [[Starbase 93]] on the border to the former [[Romulan Neutral Zone]]. With the capacity to resupply and maintain ships in the region as well as the Task Force's vessels, the fleet yards provide a base of operations from which relief missions can be launched to all quarters of the galaxy. As with other Fourth Fleet task forces, ships operating in other regions rely heavily on local facilities to see to their wide-ranging duties. Task Force 93 is divided into three sub-units: the headquarters division, housing the base of operations and ships responsible for routine, lower-priority missions, and two task groups undertaking the unit's operational mandate.

===Deep Space Six===
=== Task Force Headquarters ===
''TFHQ assets are NPC ships and stations, to be freely used by TF members in accordance with [[Using Task Unit Assets|this guidance]].''

:''Main Article: [[Deep Space 6]]''
* [[Starbase 93]], a [[Unity Class|''Unity''-class]] station and fleet yards and the Task Force base of operations
* [[USS Verity|USS ''Verity'']], an [[Odyssey Class|''Odyssey''-class]] heavy explorer and the Task Force flagship
* [[Starbase 142]], a [[Presidium Class|''Presidium''-class]] station
* [[USS Apache|USS ''Apache'']], a [[Cheyenne Class|''Cheyenne''-class]] fast cruiser
* [[USS Mercy|USS ''Mercy'']], a [[Olympic Class|''Olympic''-class]] research cruiser
* [[USS Cunningham|USS ''Cunningham'']], a [[Gagarin Class|''Gagarin''-class]] heavy escort
* [[USS Charleston|USS ''Charleston'']], a [[Echelon Class|''Echelon''-class]] light cruiser
* [[USS Tiro|USS ''Tiro'']], a [[Reliant Class|''Reliant''-class]] frigate

Deep Space Six is a Stardock Class staircase in orbit of [[Qualor III]]. Serving as a base of operations and a forward operating base of Starfleet's Diplomatic Corps and Starfleet Intelligence. Seeing a boom in activity in the Qualor System since the destruction of [[Romulus]], Deep Space Six has become a hub of activity once again.

===Hawkeye Island===
=== Task Group 44 ===

:''Main Article: [[Hawkeye Island]]''
*[[Pegasus Squadron|Pegasus Explorer Squadron]]
**[[USS Pegasus|USS ''Pegasus'']], a [[Galaxy Class|''Galaxy''-class]] explorer
Originally commissioned as a Marine base, Hawkeye Island previous served as the headquarters of Starfleet Marines in the Raeyan Sector. The island was donated to the Federation by the Holy Monarch of the Randa Islands, and the base was soon built afterward. Since [[Task Force 58]]'s withdrawal from the sector, the power has shifted away from the Starfleet loyalists and the Eternal Light has control of the government. Although the change in control, Starfleet still has loyalists. After years of abandonment, Starfleet has decided to return to the sector to help prevent further chaos. A new commander has been assigned to the base to help improve diplomatic relations with the Raeyans and the Marine Corps have returned. Hawkeye Island is now one of the last Federation and Starfleet outposts in this heavily contested and active area of the Beta Quadrant, the base is under more pressure than ever to keep the sector from falling into complete chaos.
**[[USS Excalibur|USS ''Excalibur'']], a [[Constitution III Class|''Constitution III''-class]] explorer
**[[USS August|USS ''August'']], a [[Rhode Island Class|''Rhode Island''-class]] scout
**[[USS Farragut|USS ''Farragut'']], a [[Nebula Class|''Nebula''-class]] exploratory cruiser
**[[Starbase 400]], a [[Regula Class|''Regula'' -class]] multi-role small station
*[[USS Lexington|USS ''Lexington'']], a [[Galaxy Class|''Galaxy''-class]] explorer
*[[USS Sternbach|USS ''Sternbach'']], a [[Echelon Class|''Echelon''-class]] light cruiser
*[[Sutherland Squadron|Sutherland Research Cruiser Division]]
**[[USS Sutherland|USS ''Sutherland'']], a [[Sutherland Class|''Sutherland'' class]] research cruiser
**[[USS Hornet|USS ''Hornet'']], a [[Defiant Class|''Defiant''-class]] escort
*[[USS Thyanis|USS ''Thyanis'']], a [[Raven Class|''Raven''-class]] corvette

=== Task Group 58 ===

:''Main Article: [[Treaties]]
*[[USS Avenger|USS ''Avenger'']], a [[Defiant Class|''Defiant''-class]] escort
*[[USS Merced|USS ''Merced'']], a [[California Class|''California''-class]] utility cruiser
*[[Neptune Squadron|Neptune Advance Exploration Squadron]]
**[[USS Neptune|USS ''Neptune'']], a {{class|Vesta}} explorer
**[[USS Hydra|USS ''Hydra'']], a [[Manticore Class|''Manticore-''class]] heavy escort
**[[USS Tianwen|USS ''Tianwen'']], a {{class|Pathfinder}} science vessel
**[[Mirage Station]], a [[Unity Class|''Unity''-class]] starbase
*[[USS Shepard|USS ''Shepard'']], a [[Reliant Class|''Reliant-''class]] frigate
*[[USS Paramount|USS ''Paramount'']], a [[California class|''California''-class]] utility cruiser
*[[USS Morro Bay|USS ''Morro Bay'',]] a [[California Class|''California''-class]] utility cruiser

* [https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Treaty_of_Algeron Treaty of Algeron]: Established in 2311 between the [[United Federation of Planets]] and [[Romulan Star Empire]], the treaty sets out the main code of conduct and relations between the [[Romulan Star Empire]], its break away factions and the Federation. Amended to remove the borders of the Romulan Neutral Zone following the Romulan Super Nova in 2387.
== Task Force History ==
When Task Force 93's mandate of providing support to those who needed it the most changed in 2399, assets were redeployed to ensure that the Task Force's focus was not just along the fractured border that the Federation now shared with the various Romulan factions. That said, the initial response from Task Force 93 maintained a focus near to the former Neutral Zone.  

=Task Force History=
==== The Archanis Campaign ====
One of the biggest operations that Task Force 93 was fully involved with was the unexpected invasion of the  [[Hunters of D'Ghor]] of the [[Archanis Sector]]. Along with other ships from the Fourth Fleet, ships from Task Force 93 entered the Archanis Sector to assist with repelling the rogue Klingons and providing support to Federation worlds, outposts, and other assets that were affected. The clean-up operation, after Starfleet forces were successful with their efforts, was led by Task Force 93. Restoring stability along the border was essential. Task Force 93 ships saw themselves having to prove to Federation colonies that the threat was now removed and that the Federation government took the incident seriously. Further construction of defense networks took place, alongside providing care and aid.

:''Main Article: [[Task Force 93 Timeline]]''
==== The Echoes of the Tkon ====
During the end of 2399, every single ship across Starfleet was placed on high alert after multiple sightings of the [[Omega molecule]] were reported. Task Force 93 ships were assigned to the duty of not only dealing with this threat but also found them having to help ships that found themselves stranded after some molecules exploded, causing disruption in subspace and preventing warp drive from being used in some areas of known space. Furthermore, certain worlds and bases were left without any external support, as a result, Task Force 93 became that vital lifeline to them. Eventually, ships were given the order to provide assistance in tracking down [[Tkon Empire]] artifacts, which ultimately resulted in the removal of the Omega threat and other dangers that this incident brought. Lessons learned from the post-recovery efforts from the Archanis Campaign prepared Task Force 93, for once again helping those who need assistance in rebuilding.

Following the end of the Dominion War, Task Force 93 operated within Romulan territory at the behest of the new provisional government, charged with providing aid to the Romulan people and supporting the Romulan Star Navy. This opportunity offered Starfleet an inside look at the Romulan Empire and the prospect of building a greater bridge of friendship with the Empire.
==== The Stormbreaker Campaign ====
In early 2400, the [[Century Storm]] hit the [[ma:Paulson Nebula|Paulson Nebula]] and the surrounding region. This phenomenon severely affected those ships, stations, and colonies that existed in this area, causing huge disruption to communication and placing lives on the line. To prevent millions from being killed, the Federation government ordered an immediate evacuation of the area. Task Force 93 ships saw action, along with other ships from the Fourth Fleet, to help those who were affected by the countless ion storms. The entire event took time and many installations were either lost or severely damaged by the ion storms. Though many were saved, some were not as fortunate as others. Many search and rescue missions were undertaken by ships in Task Force 93.  

Upon discovery of the pending of the Romulan Super Nova, the Federation offered a grand rescue plan to the Romulans to aid in their rescue and relocation from Romulus and Remus. [[Task Force 93]] was set to play a major part in the co-ordination and support of this effort, specifically starting construction of [[Devron Fleet Yards]] to support the relief fleet. Following the attack on Mars in 2385, the Federation removed its support of the evacuation effort, pulled back its forces along the Neutral Zone and focused its efforts on rebuilding.
==== Sundered Wings ====
Having so many ships and stations based near the shared border with the Romulans, Task Force 93 found itself in the thick of it when the [[Star Empire of Rator]] collapsed and the [[Velorum Sector]] declared its independence before seeking assistance from the Federation. This massive political upheaval caused a high level of tension between the Federation and the various [[Romulan Factions]]. Task Force 93 ships were given the mandate to send ships into the area and provide relief efforts to those Romulan worlds that were isolated from others and required the support to support their populations. The Velorum Sector eventually opted to join the [[Romulan Republic]] once a majority of their worlds were stabilized, thanks to the efforts of Starfleet and a meditated deal led by the Federation.

While the Klingon Empire faced their own problems that put heavy tension on the Federation-Klingon borders and the Khitomer Accords. The Sovereignty of Kahless rose in an attempt to take control of the Empire reign. The Federation is on heavy alert as 5 vessels have been attacked and some of its personal captured as war prizes.
==== The Blood Dilithium Campaign ====

=Additional Information=
==== The Lost Fleet ====

Key Articles, Treaties and Background Information:

*[[Beta Quadrant|Beta Quadrant Map]]
==== Command History ====
*[[:Category:Beta Quadrant Astrometrics Database|Beta Quadrant Astrometrics Database]]
*[[:Category:Beta Quadrant Powers|Governments]]
*[[:Category:Beta Quadrant Lifeforms|Additional Lifeforms]]
*[[Task Force 93 Command History]]

* Early 2399: Admiral Elizabeth Wolf
* Early 2399: Rear Admiral Sebastein Leclerc
* Mid 2399: Fleet Captain Azras Dex
* Late 2399: Vice Admiral Aubrey Seagraves*
* Early 2400: Captain Gar'rath
* Mid 2400: Captain Henry Maxwell
* Late 2400: Rear Admiral Zack Marshall-Bennet*
* Late 2400: Commodore Imya Jori

{{TF93 Footer}}
''<sup>*denotes Interim Commander</sup>''

Latest revision as of 01:39, 7 September 2024

This article is official Bravo Fleet canon.

Task Force 93 is the Fourth Fleet's designated humanitarian operations unit. Based out of Starbase 93 on the border to the old Romulan Neutral Zone, this task force is tasked with providing humanitarian support and protection to struggling regions of the galaxy. While this includes protection from predatory factions, Task Force 93 aids worlds devastated by natural disasters or violence, and treats with local and major powers to coordinate this assistance.


  • Assist the rebuilding of cultures ravaged by natural or political disasters
  • Protect isolated worlds from predatory factions
  • Monitor the old Neutral Zone to bring safety and support to abandoned peoples
  • Preserve the stability of chaotic regions across the Federation border


For the last decade and a half, Task Force 93 has served as a humanitarian and peacekeeping force along the Romulan border. Following the hypernova of 2387, it was tasked with securing the former Neutral Zone, protecting Federation interests in the Beta Quadrant. Worlds have been abandoned by the Federation and Romulan Factions alike, left to fend for themselves against the ravages of regional dangers, fledgling and weak infrastructures, and natural disasters. With the Fourth Fleet's repurposing with a galactic mandate, it was deemed Task Force 93 to take this skill and expertise to all troubled corners of the galaxy.

Recent years have seen many powers withdrawing their support to many regions as they reinforce the borders they can protect. In their wake are worlds vulnerable to regional piracy or exploitation by other powers, worlds forced to rebuild governance and infrastructure from scratch, and worlds lacking any support should the worst happen. Be they independent or answering to a higher government, Federation or otherwise, the support that now arrives fastest is from Task Force 93.

This work is more than bringing blankets. It takes engaging with communities to meet their needs, navigating fraught diplomacy with local leaders and their conflicting priorities, and providing protection from opportunistic pirates that might see such a world ripe for the taking, or nearby powers that might see them ripe for seizing. Across the galaxy are worlds that have been chewed up and spat out by one government or another. To some, Task Force 93 is a welcome helping hand. To others, a necessary shield.

Task Force Assets and Headquarters

While Task Force 93 supports border operations across the Federation, it manages these duties from its headquarters at Starbase 93 on the border to the former Romulan Neutral Zone. With the capacity to resupply and maintain ships in the region as well as the Task Force's vessels, the fleet yards provide a base of operations from which relief missions can be launched to all quarters of the galaxy. As with other Fourth Fleet task forces, ships operating in other regions rely heavily on local facilities to see to their wide-ranging duties. Task Force 93 is divided into three sub-units: the headquarters division, housing the base of operations and ships responsible for routine, lower-priority missions, and two task groups undertaking the unit's operational mandate.

Task Force Headquarters

TFHQ assets are NPC ships and stations, to be freely used by TF members in accordance with this guidance.

Task Group 44

Task Group 58

Task Force History

When Task Force 93's mandate of providing support to those who needed it the most changed in 2399, assets were redeployed to ensure that the Task Force's focus was not just along the fractured border that the Federation now shared with the various Romulan factions. That said, the initial response from Task Force 93 maintained a focus near to the former Neutral Zone.

The Archanis Campaign

One of the biggest operations that Task Force 93 was fully involved with was the unexpected invasion of the Hunters of D'Ghor of the Archanis Sector. Along with other ships from the Fourth Fleet, ships from Task Force 93 entered the Archanis Sector to assist with repelling the rogue Klingons and providing support to Federation worlds, outposts, and other assets that were affected. The clean-up operation, after Starfleet forces were successful with their efforts, was led by Task Force 93. Restoring stability along the border was essential. Task Force 93 ships saw themselves having to prove to Federation colonies that the threat was now removed and that the Federation government took the incident seriously. Further construction of defense networks took place, alongside providing care and aid.

The Echoes of the Tkon

During the end of 2399, every single ship across Starfleet was placed on high alert after multiple sightings of the Omega molecule were reported. Task Force 93 ships were assigned to the duty of not only dealing with this threat but also found them having to help ships that found themselves stranded after some molecules exploded, causing disruption in subspace and preventing warp drive from being used in some areas of known space. Furthermore, certain worlds and bases were left without any external support, as a result, Task Force 93 became that vital lifeline to them. Eventually, ships were given the order to provide assistance in tracking down Tkon Empire artifacts, which ultimately resulted in the removal of the Omega threat and other dangers that this incident brought. Lessons learned from the post-recovery efforts from the Archanis Campaign prepared Task Force 93, for once again helping those who need assistance in rebuilding.

The Stormbreaker Campaign

In early 2400, the Century Storm hit the Paulson Nebula and the surrounding region. This phenomenon severely affected those ships, stations, and colonies that existed in this area, causing huge disruption to communication and placing lives on the line. To prevent millions from being killed, the Federation government ordered an immediate evacuation of the area. Task Force 93 ships saw action, along with other ships from the Fourth Fleet, to help those who were affected by the countless ion storms. The entire event took time and many installations were either lost or severely damaged by the ion storms. Though many were saved, some were not as fortunate as others. Many search and rescue missions were undertaken by ships in Task Force 93.

Sundered Wings

Having so many ships and stations based near the shared border with the Romulans, Task Force 93 found itself in the thick of it when the Star Empire of Rator collapsed and the Velorum Sector declared its independence before seeking assistance from the Federation. This massive political upheaval caused a high level of tension between the Federation and the various Romulan Factions. Task Force 93 ships were given the mandate to send ships into the area and provide relief efforts to those Romulan worlds that were isolated from others and required the support to support their populations. The Velorum Sector eventually opted to join the Romulan Republic once a majority of their worlds were stabilized, thanks to the efforts of Starfleet and a meditated deal led by the Federation.

The Blood Dilithium Campaign

The Lost Fleet

Command History

  • Early 2399: Admiral Elizabeth Wolf
  • Early 2399: Rear Admiral Sebastein Leclerc
  • Mid 2399: Fleet Captain Azras Dex
  • Late 2399: Vice Admiral Aubrey Seagraves*
  • Early 2400: Captain Gar'rath
  • Mid 2400: Captain Henry Maxwell
  • Late 2400: Rear Admiral Zack Marshall-Bennet*
  • Late 2400: Commodore Imya Jori

*denotes Interim Commander