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Show new changes starting from 10:13, 10 December 2024
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10 December 2024

     06:20  Template:Specification diffhist +3 McGig talk contribs
     01:56  Supported Games:UNO diffhist +133 Annex talk contribs →‎1.1 - Combat Action Ribbons Tag: Visual edit
     01:56  Supported Games:Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection diffhist +294 Annex talk contribs →‎1.1 - Joint Action Ribbons Tag: Visual edit
     01:55  Supported Games:Star Trek: Bridge Crew diffhist +133 Annex talk contribs →‎1.1 - Joint Action Ribbons Tag: Visual edit
     01:55  Supported Games:Pokemon GO diffhist +178 Annex talk contribs →‎1.1 - Combat Action Ribbons Tag: Visual edit
     01:51  Supported Games:Overwatch 2‎‎ 2 changes history +134 [Annex‎ (2×)]
01:51 (cur | prev) −162 Annex talk contribs →‎1.1 - Joint Action Ribbons Tag: Visual edit
01:50 (cur | prev) +296 Annex talk contribs →‎1.1 - Joint Action Ribbons Tag: Visual edit: Switched
     01:49  Supported Games:Jackbox Games diffhist +134 Annex talk contribs →‎1.1 - Combat Action Ribbons Tag: Visual edit: Switched
     01:48  Supported Games:Gauntlet Slayer Edition diffhist +296 Annex talk contribs →‎1.1 - Joint Action Ribbons Tag: Visual edit: Switched
     01:47  Supported Games:Fortnite‎‎ 2 changes history +188 [Annex‎ (2×)]
01:47 (cur | prev) −108 Annex talk contribs →‎1.1 - Joint Action Ribbons Tag: Visual edit
01:45 (cur | prev) +296 Annex talk contribs →‎1.1 - Joint Action Ribbons Tag: Visual edit: Switched
     01:39  Supported Games:Cards Against Formality diffhist +134 Annex talk contribs →‎1.1 - Combat Action Ribbons Tag: Visual edit: Switched
     01:38  Supported Games:Call of Duty Mobile diffhist +239 Annex talk contribs Tag: Visual edit: Switched
     01:35  Supported Games:Brawlhalla diffhist +134 Annex talk contribs →‎1.1 - Combat Action Ribbons
     01:32  Supported Games:Among Us diffhist +296 Annex talk contribs →‎1.1 - Joint Action Ribbons

8 December 2024

     23:35  USS Vallejo diffhist +755 Egeehern talk contribs Added mission summary Tag: Visual edit
     22:24  USS Daedalus diffhist −1,220 Greyimage talk contribs Condensing Mission History Tag: Visual edit
     22:07  (Upload log) [Greyimage‎ (4×)]
22:07 Greyimage talk contribs uploaded a new version of File:HELIOS PATCH.png(Division Alignment)
21:45 Greyimage talk contribs uploaded a new version of File:DAEDALUS 47 PATCH.png
21:35 Greyimage talk contribs uploaded a new version of File:Helios Division DEC '24.png
21:33 Greyimage talk contribs uploaded a new version of File:Helios Division DEC '24.png

7 December 2024

     23:10  Helios Division diffhist +36 Greyimage talk contribs Helios Patch Tag: Visual edit
     23:10 Upload log Greyimage talk contribs uploaded File:Helios Division DEC '24.png